Profit-Motive is fueling a gender-dysphoria epidemic


Why is the multinational corporate conglomerate whose principle profit center is abortion now aligning itself with the LGBTQ agenda?

Planned Parenthood is now in the business of puberty-blocking and cross-hormone “treatments” for so-called, “transsexual kids.” And their newest business unit requires a growing market.

Have you wondered what could possibly have precipitated so sudden and drastic an increase in the occurrence of a condition that had – not ten years ago – been so rare that few outside the mental-health sphere had heard of it?

Ten years ago gender dysphoria was a very rare psychiatric condition.
Today, Congress is considering legislation that will CODIFY an obligation to AFFIRM the delusions suffered by people in the grip of gender dysphoria. “Transsexuals” are today the fastest growing and most popular “victim-class” identity-group organized since the Gay-Lesbian alliance formed up and began adding letters.

This is the product of a successful and multifaceted propaganda effort executed by masters of the “craft.”

Planned Parenthood has a strong profit-motive to use our public schools to promote gender-dysphoria. Politicians have tremendous political capital to gain by engaging the “social engineering” project that every “victim-class” invites. The incentives of the profit-seeker and of the power-seeker are powerfully aligned in the active promotion of gender dysphoria.

Planned Parenthood has decades of experience in leveraging public resources and political offices to advance their agenda. Using OUR SCHOOLS, OUR KIDS and OUR PUBLIC OFFICES, they create and ride waves of popular support for lifestyles that pursue gratification of desire as if this pursuit were virtuous.
Their strategy has been effective, at least in part, because we’ve yielded the public schools; and by extension, our children, to their K-12 propaganda campaign.

Planned Parenthood has corrupted the political process with tens of MILLIONS in campaign contributions to politicians who actively promote their business interests; contributions made possible by the TAX-PAYER support this organization receives from you and I. They’ve successfully convinced many rank-and-file party members that support for their socio-sexual free-for-all signals “liberal” virtue.

The demonstrable results of their agenda; family dysfunction, debilitating self-focus, chronic discontent, depression and personal dereliction for a great many rarely gets attributed to the hedonism promoted by Planned Parenthood.

Although Planned Parenthood channels evil on a global industrial scale; the trivialization of human sexuality and the degradation of human life – they’ve done so by largely UNOPPOSED local focus and infiltration.
The Planned Parenthood Perspective on human life and sexuality is now so fully entwined with public-school curriculum that the only way to “opt out” of its twisted teachings is to pull kids out of public schools.
I pray American families will quickly do so.

But while protecting our kids from the self-destructive evil this organization wishes to teach them, retreat alone is not enough. We need to directly oppose the evil thing itself.

It CAN be DENIED public funding.

It CAN be DENIED a tax-funded platform for securing “market share” through the indoctrination of our kids.

The focused efforts of good people who are well informed and civically active are already challenging its grip.
Join us in this fight! Call, write and email your representatives:

  1. Demand that public funding in ALL forms be withdrawn from Planned Parenthood
  2. Demand that Planned Parenthood be extricated from all publically funded organizations, schools and programs.


  1. This topic could get a person ostracized by their family and community. I wholeheartedly agree with your premise and assertions about planned parenthood.

    My son only has one year left in school. I am hoping to put him in a trade school afterwards. If I had it to do over I would absolutely home or private school. And even though I’m an atheist, I think a Christian school would be less indoctrinating.