Choosing Sides on the Hunter Biden Story


I’ve been asked by a few folks to give my opinion regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, its contents, and the reactions to it.  Note that as I write this, very little has been widely distributed, although the NY Post shows a bit more daily.  These opinions are only my own, based upon very little fact—it’s all I have to work with.  But the reactions to said laptop (well, hard drive copies) are fairly easy to see—or not see.  I am also trying to add to the conversation, not just mirror others. Let’s dig.

You likely know the background:  Hunter Biden left three water-damaged laptops with a computer repair store, on or around April 2019.  A document with Hunter’s signature was produced, along with agreed upon fees.  The store owner states that it was in fact Hunter, and that he was acting drunk the entire process.  One laptop was not salvageable, but two were saved.  The store owner made several attempts to contact Biden, and collect his salvage fee, but could not do so.  His contract clearly states that any hardware and software left uncalled for at his store for over 90 days becomes the store’s property.  So, after four months of failed attempts to get paid for his work (and return the laptops), the store owner took possession.  After scanning the material on one, the owner thought said material could be criminal in nature, so he contacted the FBI.  In August 2019, the FBI made a forensic copy of the laptop’s hard drive, but did not take possession of said laptop.  The FBI took physical possession of the laptop in December 2019.  However, unbeknownst to the FBI, the store owner made FOUR copies of the hard drive, as personal insurance.  For several months, after expecting word or news about this ‘discovery’, the store owner contacted Robert Costello, attorney for former NYC Mayor, Rudy Guiliani.  This occurred sometime in mid-2020.  Guiliani provided a copy of the hard drive to the New York Post in late September 2020.  The Post started running articles based upon the contents of the copy of the hard drive beginning on October 14, 2020.  As of this writing, MANY news outlets have either:  doubted the ownership of the data; claimed it was somehow the product of Russian disinformation; ignored the story entirely; or, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, completely disallowed any posts regarding the entire story.  Rep. Adam Schiff, he of noteworthy ‘I have hard evidence that shows collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia’ fame (that he has yet to produce in FOUR years), now says this is OBVIOUSLY a Russian disinformation campaign, trying to assure the re-election of Trump.

I do not know the contents or accuracy of the hard drives.  Nada.  I had to do some digging myself just to get the dates mentioned above.  I will say that Tucker Carlson has stated more than once, after reviewing the data that the NY Post provided FNC, that there is no doubt the hard drive contains data personal to Hunter Biden.  Another twist:  Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner, Bevan Cooney, in jail for a bond scheme, has released 26,000 emails between he and Biden to Federal authorities.  To say this story is still developing is a HUGE understatement.

But what has ZERO doubt is the REACTION to the story, which may be of bigger importance than the story itself.  Remember just a short time ago, ALL of the news media:  ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, kept a three-year running drumbeat about Russian collusion between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin?  With breathless anticipation, NIGHTLY news reports were full of ‘which shoe will drop next?’ bulletins.  We all learned about the Steele Dossier.  Rep. Schiff was on cable news so often, he may have had an office there.  Many talking heads stated as fact that illegalities were done by the Trump campaign, and some even used the word ‘treason’ quite freely.  Except for one small issue:  none of it was true.  With ZERO evidence, the media went out with their stories.  Not shaky evidence.  Not uncorroborated evidence.  Not questionable sources.  ZERO.  THREE YEARS.  To the point that the man-on-the-street thinks it is a done deal:  Trump colluded with Russia.  Then, after an exhaustive $30M Mueller Probe, and all of their investigators, found absolutely NOTHING regarding Russian collusion.  But the media was ALL IN, baby. 

Fast forward to this event.  There was more evidence in the Hunter Biden laptop affair just with a single signed document!  Yet the same media with Collusion trumpets were completely silent on this.  Not even ONE of their vaunted investigative reporters even looked into the data, its chain of custody, or its accuracy.  NO ONE CARED.  And the Facebook/Twitter/Google reaction was even worse.  They took it upon themselves to prevent reporting by one of the largest, oldest media companies in the US.  They simply decided that story was NOT going to be distributed, period.  They did not have the same attitude regarding Russian collusion, which was based upon rumor, innuendo, and wish.  The major news outlets have also decided not to ask Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden about this incident at all.  Nada.  You’d think their intrepid reporters would at least try to get a solid denial of this whole event.  Nope.

So, the title of this article: ‘Choosing Sides on the Hunter Biden Story’.  The FBI sat on the laptop and hard drive for MONTHS.  It is likely it would never have seen the light of day, had the PC shop owner not taken copies and distributed.  So it doesn’t take much imagination to determine which side the FBI has aligned itself with.  Picture this:  we have nearly ALL news media, the overwhelming social networking platforms, and the freaking FBI on one side of this scandal—and they all want it to just fade away, no further digging or investigation necessary.  On the other side?  Fox News, all of the Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube users (many of which are in ‘jail’), Rudy Guiliani, and a few Congressmen, all wanting to know:  is any of this true?  Were any crimes committed?  Is Hunter Biden compromised by international bad actors, that may try to use him as leverage, should his father be elected President of the United States?  Everyone can decide for themselves which side they fall on, but one thing is certain:  when the news media, social media platforms, and investigative branch of the US government all align to keep something quiet, NOTHING good can come of that.