National Self-Image and Inferiority Complex


I’m a bit curious about the reasoning, strategy, and ultimate goals of the current crop of Democrats in charge of things these days.  After 10 months of complete control of the House of Representatives, a marginal control of the Senate (with Vice President Harris as a tie-breaking vote of a 50-50 split), and a sitting President, all of the same political party, you’d think they would be able to pass legislation at will, to make the US what they want it to be, at least at the national level.  But I see nothing in their rhetoric, speeches, and policies that make the US BETTER, in literally ANY measure.  I am clearly missing something, a detail that would make all of this clear.  Let’s dig.

Think of the US as a single apartment building, with every apartment populated by a different view of the building as a whole.  You’d think ALL tenants would want the building they inhabit to be the BEST one they could arrange.  Best floor plans, best amenities, cleanest surrounding environment, best maintenance, lowest cost, the ability to attract the best, most useful, and nicest tenants possible.  Now, not all tenants have the same characteristics:  some are single, some are married, some have children of varying ages, etc.  All have different jobs and income levels, so their space and amenities needs per apartment are quite different.  But regardless of the floor plans chosen, all want the maintenance done, as little crime as possible, and generally the best building they can arrange.

Now, not all tenants get along with others.  Disputes happen.  So, we institute apartment building police, to keep the peace.  And we create an apartment judicial system, to adjudicate disagreements.  And finally, we have an apartment penal system, as the most severe punishment for rule breakers.  At some point, some tenants may be forcibly ejected from the building—especially those that do not pay rent, or are even legal renters.  Even so, the end goal for the managers of the building, and the tenants that live there, is to create the best environment possible to live in, given the economic constraints involved—the building has limits, after all.

Now, extend the apartment analogy to the entire US.  The Modern Democrats have no desire to retain the desirability of their building, namely the United States.  For some strange reason, Modern Democrats truly do not like their country.  Rather than move to another, more favorable country (in their opinion), they would rather trash the country they are in.  Somehow, they feel that their policies will lead to them becoming the unquestioned, everlasting leaders of this country.

The entire education system, from kindergarten to graduate school, a heavy Democrat constituency, is convinced the entire concept of the United States is one of oppression, patriarchy, and guilty of all crimes against humanity—for all crimes since inception.  And this is what they teach.  They are offended that some people can afford the nicer things!  Those nicer things should somehow be given to the less fortunate people—even to those that have not established residency in the country!  Their reasoning is that anyone with more resources than anyone else must have cheated to acquire such wealth, and those fortunate should live the same exact lives as those that do not have the resources to match their arrangements.  Any disagreement with the policies championed by the Modern Democrat will result in the branding of racist, homophobic, and/or White Supremacist (even if you’re Black).

Modern Democrats are intense critics of the police and judicial systems set up in the US.  They want to defund the police, or replace them with social workers, regardless of the safety impact on the other tenants.  They do not want to prosecute ‘minor’ crimes at all (shoplifting; drug use, possession, or sale; public decency, such as overnight ‘camping’ in the public areas, and urinating and defecating anywhere other than a toilet).  That it would make the entire area a cesspool and criminal spree location is completely besides the point.  Notice that the opinions of the other residents, that just want to live in a clean, safe, law-abiding place, simply do not matter at all?

Modern Democrats are for unfettered illegal immigration, regardless of who, what, or the health and security issues those immigrants may bring with them.  Of course, their hope is that the new immigrants will vote Democrat forever, thus granting them the perpetual leadership roles they so covet.

Modern Democrats want the Green New Deal, which destroys the fossil fuel industries, replacing them with wind, solar, and any other energy creation system—especially those not invented yet.  That such methods are environmental disasters, from the mining of the rare materials necessary for the batteries; to the stripping of farmland in favor of windmills and solar panels; to the disposal of said windmill parts, as they are not biodegradable; to the complete lack of portability of such energy methods.  They would destroy the airline, cruise, rail, and trucking industries—except for the elites, of course.  Not sure how our military will work with such eco-friendly energy—especially since our adversaries are not likely to switch to them.  Modern Democrats appear to be SO concerned about the environment inside and outside of the US, they are willing to increase the cost of living of everyone that lives here to achieve a mythical ‘cleaner’ approach.  Except their newer methods simply do not meet the needs of nearly anyone, those residing in the US or elsewhere.  They are intent on bankrupting the country to somehow reduce the overall temperature of the Earth by a degree or two, over the next century.

In summary, the Modern Democrat has an entirely different self-image of the United States than nearly anyone else (hence, the desire for people of other countries to immigrate here).  Those that see the US as a land of nearly unlimited opportunity, regardless of any characteristics one may have, are quite passe to those Democrats.  Democrats simply do not see that the US is the best ‘apartment’ on the block, that instead, it needs to be brought down to the level of some 3rd world country.  Don’t you dare think that the 3rd world country should strive to attain the standard of living attained here—that would be racist, or something.

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