To Whom It May Concern: SAVE US!


This may be addressed to the United States Supreme Court.  Or Ted Cruz.  Or the late Thomas Jefferson.  Not sure who needs to read this, because I don’t know what the remedy is for our current situation.  Let’s dig.

The Founding Fathers created the most incredible political document in history in 1789.  The US Constitution is quite marvelous, and it is so because it tried to foresee problems of government ahead of time, and solve those problems before they happened.  They KNEW that governments historically become too large, too powerful, too expensive, and too intrusive into the lives of the governed.  They KNEW that human nature is an incredible force, and left to its own devices, will ALWAYS tend towards authoritarian government—if we had angels, we’d have no need of government! 

The attempt

The Founders attempted to construct a government in such a way as to prevent any part of it becoming too powerful.  They created three separate branches of government:  the Legislative (Congress), the Executive (the President), and the Judicial (the courts) branches.  Each branch was intended to be a check and balance against the other two branches.  No one branch was intended to create, enforce, and adjudicate law:  the separation was intentional.  How far we have drifted away from that design is a testament to the creep of governmental rule. 

The current results

Presidents (Executive) now routinely create law from thin air via Executive Orders (which were intended to be clarifications on enforcement of existing law).  Congress (Legislative) routinely holds ‘hearings’, even if such hearings are not in their role as oversight of the Legislative Branch—those ‘hearings’ are the role of the Judicial Branch, but only if a case of lawbreaking comes before the Court pertaining to that topic.  While the Legislative Branch can issue subpoenas in such a setting, they do NOT have the force of any court.  Judges routinely create new law out of nowhere, even though that role was intended to reside exclusively in the Legislative Branch.  We now have the Leviathan the Founders were expressly trying to avoid.

Government vs Reality

People that are in government have a natural tendency to think they are a class (and sometimes, an intellect) above everyone else—they inevitably decide that THEY know what is best for everyone else.  The bubble that government lives inside of bears no resemblance at all to the world the rest of us live in:  reality.  When we do poorly at our jobs, we can get fired (or if our company fails, etc.)  We expect our pay to reflect how well we do our jobs (in most cases).  When we personally run out of money and/or credit, our decision-making changes.  When we break the law, we expect to eventually get punished.  None of those last four statements seem to apply to elected or appointed officials, or any other government employees or staff.  Do a terrible job as a congressman or woman, or as a government employee?  Keep job.  Only attend session for a third of the year?  Get full pay and benefits.  Outspend all tax receipts on a regular basis?  Wash, rinse, and repeat.  Break insider trading laws?  Exempt yourselves from said laws, along with any other laws that are inconvenient, that the rest of us must observe.  And so on.  If an entire Cabinet-level organization becomes useless (like the Departments of Education, Energy, and Commerce), they nor their budgets or personnel leave—they are forever.  Now, the Administrative State, as an extension of the Executive Branch (remember, that Branch was intended to ENFORCE existing law), creates rules that have the force of law.  The IRS, BATF, BIA, BLM, FDA, CDC, etc. can effectively create law (again, not supposed to be a function of the Executive Branch) without a single member of Congress casting a vote.  So, why even have a Congress?

Our current state of affairs

Now, over the last year, we see EXACTLY the abuses of government the Founders were trying to prevent.  The DOJ and FBI can routinely harass and intimidate citizens, without a warrant or even the accusation of a crime committed.  They can actually raid the residence of a former President, with a general warrant (not supposed to be legal—see the 4th Amendment), signed by a political hack of a judge.  All of this is possible because the judge, the DOJ, and the FBI, are now nothing but political tools of the current administration.  There are people in DC jails now for nearly TWO YEARS for a supposed ‘insurrection’, yet few have been charged with anything more serious than trespassing.  Nearly none were armed, no arson was committed, no hostages were taken, no political demands were stated at all—possibly the weakest ‘insurrection’ in the history of mankind.  If the checks and balances described above were intact, either Congress or the Supreme Court would come down on the Executive Branch like a ton of bricks for exceeding their legal authority.  Those in jail would not only be freed on minor bond, they would be free to counter-sue their government for false imprisonment and assorted 4th Amendment protections (speedy trial, cruel and unusual punishment, etc.).  Note that the Founders saw no need for an FBI in 1789. 


The FBI, in its current iteration, has only been around since 1908.  And its need was and is quite real:  some crimes, like bank robbery, currency counterfeiting, and kidnapping, require an enforcement entity that is not limited to State borders, as local police are.  In those days, if a criminal could make it across a State border, pursuit would end.  But like all government, the FBI has grown.  It is no longer the organization of The Untouchables, J. Edgar Hoover’s intrepid investigators, or even that of the TV series of the 1960s.  Whether it is via a change in leadership, or just bureaucratic entropy, the FBI is now the ‘selective enforcement’ arm of the status-quo government.  They have no interest in policing election integrity or fentanyl and human trafficking; but they are INTENT on investigating every aspect of a NASCAR garage door pull disguised as a noose, or tracking down every person directly or indirectly involved in the January 6th ‘Insurrection’, including people that were not even at the Capitol Rotunda that day—most were just attending a peaceful, legal rally.  But the FBI, in their new role to combat ‘domestic terrorism’, now feels empowered to harass anyone affiliated or supporting former President Donald Trump, or anyone that dares to voice their opinion that the 2020 Presidential election was not fraud-free.  Note the complete lack of criminal activity here.

2nd Amendment attacks

In a recent development, District Attorneys of CA and NY have successfully convinced VISA and Mastercard to document charged purchases of firearms and ammunition, supposedly to curb mass shootings and illegal weapons sales.  Pointing out that NO ONE obtains illegal firearms via charge card or debit card does not dim the ardor of these DAs.  Folks, this is just another attempt to limit law-abiding citizens from exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.  They can’t get gun control laws passed, so they attempt a back-door method of preventing purchasing via normal means.  Whether this leads to a national gun registry is unknown.  What is also unknown is if the State will take the next step:  disallow (either directly or indirectly) the purchasing of ANY firearms or ammunition via credit or debit card.  The government may simply ‘lean’ on credit card companies to get accomplished what they could not do via legislation.  It will be interesting to see if this nonsense passes Supreme Court muster.

Climate Change and ‘Domestic Terrorism

The President, the Vice-President, along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Treasury Secretary, and various other functionaries, have declared ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Domestic Terrorism’ as the two most pressing issues of our government.  When, exactly, did the Executive Branch obtain the ability to spend billions, if not trillions of dollars, without Congress?  When did the Executive Branch get the authority to label law-abiding citizens, who happen to disagree with the current administration, as ‘Domestic Terrorists’?  Just as a side note:  these ‘terrorists’ are responsible for exactly ZERO killings, arsons, lootings, and the like.  All they did was express a contrary political opinion—see 1st Amendment.  No laws have been broken, yet the FBI is free to intimidate those same law-abiding citizens.  This administration is attempting to criminalize political dissent.  For the first time in our country’s history, what you think, speak, or express may be considered illegal, and punishable by…whatever this administration decides.


This brings me back to the purpose of this writing.  To whom exactly do we citizens bring our grievances?  When the agencies of government are blatantly breaking the law, when the bureaus of government are violating nearly every US Constitutional Amendment, especially those intended to preserve the law-abiding actions of its citizens, to whom do we complain?  The Supreme Court is as quiet as a church mouse.  The Congress is entirely absent.  So, neither the Judicial or Legislative Branches are doing a damned thing to keep the Executive Branch within its legal boundaries.  The FBI and DOJ are masquerading as Soviet Stasi agents, to the point that the difference between the domestic and Soviet groups is completely irrelevant.  Maybe the answer is part of the question in the opening paragraph:  maybe it is time we heed the famous quote of Thomas Jefferson:  “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”  We may be at a time of choosing sides:  patriots or tyrants.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!  Feel free to add comments (good or bad) in the box below.  In addition, there is a link at the bottom of the article to view other items I’ve written at Global Liberty Media.  Enjoy!