Reverse Trotskyism: Global Liberty


Reverse Troskyism: Global Liberty

Leon Trotsky was right about the premise of “permanent revolution”,but he was wrong about communism.

Leon Trotsky, the infamous 20th century Russian revolutionary believed in a system of worldwide communism. “Trotskyism” better known as “permanent revolution” believed in order for communism to take its full effects it must implemented across the world. He believed that national economic development was dependent on countries having the same collectivist laws and economic systems.

What permanent revolution is to communism, can be applied to capitalism much more effectively. Countries that take on capitalism and free markets can expect economic prosperity. A country that imposes communist doctrine will soon be followed by poverty and despair. Trotsky’s theory was right but it wasn’t socialism it was capitalism.

Countries that tend toward lower taxes and less regulations stimulate economic growth. Their country can now innovate and create products for their citizens and the rest of the world to consume. When countries are not burdened by taxation, tariffs, or regulations it is beneficial for all countries and allows for free trade and improved economies. Business is allowed to flow freely, and individuals are free to choose. Capitalism, allows a country to achieve economic prosperity, and her citizens to experience freedom and liberty.

As Milton Friedman said “A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” Communism aims to correct inequality, but fails to give its citizens freedom.

Communism resulted in 100 million deaths, perpetrated by countries like Russia and China. America heavily influenced Vietnam to turn away from communism. Ho Chi Minh’s communist beliefs were shaped by the Russian revolution. Unfortunately, the Vietnamese succumbed to Ho Chi Minh’s communist views. America with its goal to stop the spread of unsuccessfully intervened in Vietnam and mass casualties ensued.

The definition of revolution is a procedure or course, as if in a circuit, back to the starting point. That is exactly what Leon Trotsky’s “permanent revolution” is, a movement that trends towards the starting point of governments that took the power out of the people and into the hands of a select anointed few.

We shouldn’t be trying to return to collectivist governments that restricts freedom. Rather, we should evolve into a freer more liberty inductive environment.  The evolution away from a highly controlled state has resulted in liberty and economic prosperity. A trend towards global liberty is a “permanent evolution” that will result in liberty across the world.