America… or not


Previous generations of Americans were asked which approach to the advancement of America’s charter they supported, rather than whether or not it was worth advancing.

Although our nation has always had its detractors; both internal and foreign, the major political parties stood on a foundation of American doctrines; the fundamental principles of Ordered Liberty.

Americans had previously been taught that the powerful ideas of the Enlightenment Era came to crystalized fruition in the founding of the United States of America. Our Declaration proclaims these truths to the world and our Constitution codified our commitment to them.

  • Natural liberty of the individual as created human nature
  • Equal standing of each person’s natural liberty
  • Economic freedom; protection of property rights

These foundations have made possible a rapidly advancing and prosperous society in which MUTUAL CONSENT forms the basis of moral interaction.

The American political Left’s four key shortcuts to political power have put them in direct opposition to America’s foundational doctrines:

The “Social Justice” strategy
Openly opposes Equality under Law. Because this strategy involves “selling” protected status to “identity groups” for political capital, it results in

a.  Horrendous government growth (a result of its authorization to pursue statistical parity rather than equal treatment of individuals)

b.  The proliferation of identity groups, exponential increase in competitive rancor and social unrest. This isn’t surprising given individuals’ loss of standing to the protection of collectives.

The “Pie Lie” – Mis-define wealth as a “resource”
Openly opposes property rights and economic liberty
Wealth is presented as a limited resource for which people are obliged to compete in a zero-sum game. This “justifies” that wealth be “fairly distributed” to ensure everyone gets a fair share. What the promoters of this lie fail to understand is that wealth creation requires incentive. Wealth is an accumulation of PRODUCED VALUE; it is a RESULT of having produced things or services that other people need and/or want.

Any kid who’s offered to cut the grass, babysit or do chores for pay has personal experience that refutes the primitive and stupid thinking behind the Pie Lie. Every person of any age who understands that wealth begins by creating value for others is BY THAT UNDERSTANDING empowered to be successful in America. Little wonder leftists don’t teach the truth about basic economy.

Re-Define RIGHTS
A natural right is the intrinsic liberty to act or speak on one’s own behalf; to employ one’s own faculties, talents, skills, abilities and property to advance his own goals, subject to an EQUAL right on the part of every other person in society.   Because we are EQUAL in the standing of our natural rights, no legitimate exercise of one person’s natural rights can become a CLAIM on the rights of another. Equality of natural rights produces interaction based on MUTUAL CONSENT.   Leftists’ have warped the idea of natural rights in order to expand the role of government: Everything a person needs to live constitutes a right – to be guaranteed by government. Of course, government cannot “provide” what it neither produces nor owns. Any provision of subsistence “by government” is the product of forcible plunder of those from whom income, wealth or services were confiscated.

Socio-sexual Free-for-All
The leftist view of human nature denies a capacity for mindful shaping, channeling or transcendence of natural human emotions, urges and impulses. Absent any teaching in the virtue of self-mastery, many subscribers to leftist ideology become practical and economic derelicts. That well serves the purposes of the Leftist political class who convert neediness into political capital.

While these “strategies” have been deployed incrementally over many decades with horrifying success, Americans still subscribed to the principles of Ordered Liberty effectively coalesced against Leftism in 2016. In doing so, we surprised ourselves with the strength and consequence of our political voice.

For the continuity of our Republic, we need to do that again, decisively, in 25 days.