Are You Dizzy Yet?


We are being asked many, many times to disregard what we actually see and hear, in favor of The Narrative.  We are to completely ignore common sense, historical knowledge, and observable facts, to instead believe what we are told.  If you feel a sense of disorientation, vertigo, or simply that the universe is a bit out of sync, welcome to the club.  It is a dizzy feeling.  Let’s dig.

For centuries, as long as man has been communicating with man, there have been some basic, easy-to-view, unquestioned FACTS:

1.  There are TWO genders, male and female (regardless of how you ‘recognize’ yourself).  At birth, with very few exceptions (hermaphrodites come to mind), examination of a baby’s genitalia determines PRECISELY which gender the baby is.  No muss, no fuss.  No waiting around for the baby to achieve ‘awareness’ or ‘deciding’ which they were.  A truly binary question, with two valid, mutually exclusive answers.  Except now, in 2020, we are being told by the Main Stream Media (MSM), people with advanced degrees of ‘Gender Studies’, and many Hollywood types, that there are 50+ genders, not two, and we should wait for the baby to decide which of that menu they ‘identify’ with.  Note that none of this discussion has mentioned ‘sexual orientation’.  What sex, animal, or inanimate object the baby may be sexually aroused by is a separate subject.  And even though MANY of those orientations were considered psychological diseases, requiring psychiatric treatment, just a few decades ago, we are now expected to not only allow such behavior in society, but CELEBRATE it!  DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) formerly listed every combination other than heterosexuality as a disorder.  Now, it is a near criminal offense, and absolutely a firing offense, if a person of influence uses the WRONG PRONOUN to describe someone!  Back when sanity ruled, you could observe the binary choice listed above, by mannerisms, dress, etc.  There is even a current hubbub about which bathroom to use, and whether mens or womens sports you may/must compete in.  Now, this may shock my Conservative friends, but with very few exceptions, I truly do not care whom you are attracted to/sleep with/have sex with.  None of my business, IMHO.  This is an item between you, your partner, your religion (if any), and your maker.  In fact, if you don’t specifically TELL ME, I will never know.  My social lenience stops cold when dealing with children, who, by definition, do not have the ability to consent, or to decide such important issues themselves.  The dizzy sensation of such thought starts the dizzy process.

2.  2 + 2 = 4.  You can count any items, and this has been the standard math for centuries.  Actually, I use Arabic numbers, but addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. can be performed with any numbering system, including Roman, Hexadecimal, Binary, or whatever system the problem at hand requires.  Cold, indifferent fact, right?  No.  Now, some of those ‘Studies’ folks think such absolute math is not only racist but patriarchal!  As if arriving at the single correct answer is somehow anti-minority or anti-women.  Yet ANY sex or minority can perform the millennia-old math and arrive at the correct answer.  This arguing point may be as simple as:  we don’t want our sub-group to be marked incorrect when they arrive at the WRONG answer.  Mathematics is quite rigid:  anything but the correct answer is WRONG, and that makes some people angry.  Rest assured, in most endeavors where health, life, and safety are concerned (Medical, Engineering, Construction, etc.) the correct answer is the ONLY acceptable answer. But not to the ‘Studies’ crowd. The dizzy process speeds up a bit.

Now for the observable vs ‘The Narrative’:

3.  Peaceful protest vs riot.  This used to be a layup, easy answer.  Break, steal, damage, or set fire to something that does not belong to you, and it is simply not peaceful.  Yet we are told repeatedly on the nightly news that peaceful protests are happening when the buildings are on fire, store windows are smashed, and looting from said stores is as commonplace as waking up in the morning.  What’s more, we are told that the groups doing such things, predominately Antifa and Black Lives Matter, are harmless folks, doing righteous things.  Yet the Proud Boys, a group of patriotic men of all nationalities, is a hate group, a domestic terrorist organization, and expressly racist.  The Proud Boys have not been linked to a single item of mayhem, except defending people and property from the rioters, yet THEY are the problem?  Another point here:  the martyrs of the protests.  From Trevon Martin, to Michael Brown, to George Floyd, to Breonna Taylor, to Jacob Blake.  We are all told varying levels of complete fabrications of these people and their stories.  See my article ‘Media—Are They Wrong On Purpose?’.  The riots occur almost exclusively in Democrat States and cities—Portland, Seattle, St. Louis, Minneapolis, NYC, Louisville, Atlanta.  Yet, somehow, the unrest is blamed on Republicans, who haven’t controlled these cities in decades, some never.  Another example: A man and woman in St. Louis tried to defend their property from a mob that destroyed their entry gate, and threatened the couple.  The DA charged THE COUPLE, not anyone from the mob!  Next example: A young man tried to defend property of a friend in Kenosha, WI.  The mob beat up on him many times.  Finally, he shot three of the mob, killing two.  Again, the police arrested the young man, not anyone from the mob!  Ironically, this entire episode was filmed via cellphone, so the entire country got to see the events for themselves.  Ignore what you see, go with The Narrative!  The dizzy sensation picks up speed.

4. There is a current worry among the MSM that the GOP will not abide by the results of the 2020 Election, refusing the ‘peaceful transfer of power’ that has been a US trait for 220 years.  Yet the Democrats STILL have not peacefully abided by the results of the 2016 Election!  Many Democrats skipped the inauguration of Donald Trump.  Within days of Trump taking office, word of Impeachment was bandied about—and carried out a few years later, without a single criminal charge cited.  That the vote was entirely along party lines (less Mitt Romney) is quite telling.  We had a 2+ year Mueller Probe, trying to find criminal activity to hang on Trump.  Note that this is the first time a probe was against an individual, looking for a crime, rather than investigating a crime, looking for a culprit.  Many GOP folks have publicly denounced the violent actions of the mob listed above, but the Democrats implicitly did NOT denounce anything of the sort, until they saw it wasn’t polling well.  ‘Peaceful transfer of power’?  What do you suppose the reaction will be if Trump is re-elected?  Also note:  The Democrats have threatened to do the following, if they regain power:  pack the Supreme Court, so they can assure a Liberal majority there; eliminate the filibuster, rendering the Minority party powerless;  eliminate the Electoral College, thus assuring the population-dense areas of LA, NY, FL, and TX will overwhelm all other States in Presidential elections; implement some version of the Green New Deal, re-doing our entire method of energy generation (they have yet to point to a provision in the Constitution that makes that a legal governmental power.  Yet the MSM tells us the REPUBLICANS, and Donald Trump, are acting in unconstitutional manners, and are dangers to our democracy?  The dizzy is now strong.

5.  COVID-19 and the governmental reaction to it…  Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, the US had one of the best economies of its history.  Unemployment numbers, especially for minority segments, were at or near historic lows.  Real wages were rising at levels not seen in decades.  Home ownership rates were up.  Then the Wuhan Flu hit, and all Hell broke loose.  Governmental reaction:  stop groups from congregating, either at churches, as customers, at bars, pubs, or sporting events.  The first limits were 100 people.  Then 50.  Then 10.  The effect:  shut down nearly the entire US economy.  This was NOT done at a Federal level, as the President does not have that authority.  It was performed at the State level, by the Governors of said States.  This led to a wild variety of strictness of measures implemented, from South Dakota doing almost nothing, to New York and New Jersey clamping down at virtually every business operation within their respective States.  To mask or not to mask?  To start the school system or not?  All were handled a bit differently per State.  But the relevance to this discussion:  other than declaring a State Of Emergency, and making resources available quickly, along with passing literally TRILLIONS of dollars of economic assistance (spending), the Federal government had no role in the responses.  But now, the MSM is using both the COVID-19 virus itself, and the economic shut-downs per State, as something President Trump did wrong.  The dizzy is now at gyroscope level.

All of the above topics should give you that ‘rug pulled out from under you’ feeling.  Things that you can observe just do not agree with the MSM view of things, so your senses MUST be in error.  Hence, dizzy.