29.5 F
Friday, January 10, 2025

Macro vs Micro Status of Conservatives (big picture versus personal views)

If you are right-of-center politically, you may be experiencing some tough times.  Democrats control the Presidency, the House of Representatives, and, with...

Swapping Emails With a Young Liberal

I wrote an article and shared it with some friends, after which I received a message from one and responded. We...

An Open Letter to Progressives

Joe Biden has been President for about 6 weeks now.  Let’s set aside any issues of the legitimacy of the election for...

One night in a Benihana.

Undoubtedly it was the nanny’s night off. The real adults in the room now need to show them who is boss.

A Follow-up to ‘OK, Boomer’

I’ve had many posts and replies to ‘OK, Boomer’, regarding when things were invented vs the Boomers’ ages, and so forth.  I’d...

OK, Boomer

Facebook millennials (and other generations) have taken to dismissively handling anyone of the Baby Boomer generation with a derisive term ‘OK, Boomer’,...

How to Reason With a Liberal.

Liberals are famous for throwing around snark like so much party confetti. Here are Hints & Tips on how to reason with a Liberal. You'll thank me later.

Incentives and Disincentives

Prior to the New Deal era in the 1930s, the US was a very basic societal arrangement.  While there were (and always...

“Miss me yet?”

Traitors and their followers have the idea a leader is someone who is feted in front of the masses, lionized in the press, praised in awards ceremonies, dine at their fave chi-chi eatery surrounded by their ilk, live on giant estates found at the very shores they tell others will soon be gone because an iceberg will melt, and jet around the world while chiding you for driving five miles to work in a gas vehicle, all as they sell out the very people they claim they are helping.

When censorship is pushed, ask who, how, and why

Barry Lyga’s letter has two goals. One: to silence opposing messaging. Two: to punish any who disagree with him.