30.4 F
Friday, January 10, 2025

Typhus outbreak in Los Angeles; Leftism’s reprisal of medieval filth-disease

Typhus, a human outbreak of which is the completely preventable result of filth, has broken out in Los Angeles.  This offers the clearest and...

Big Bro: Is Big Tech the Birth of a Quasi Government?

On November 2nd, Facebook capitulated on its blockage of a Susan B. Anthony List's ad in support of Republican Marsha Blackburn. Upon it's unblocking,...

The Left’s Duplicity on Rhetoric

During the afternoon of Friday October 26th, a disturbed middle aged man, Cesar Sayoc, was arrested for sending bombs to prominent Democrats and supporters....

Who is Greedy? It’s NOT Who You Think…

Milton Friedman once told Phil Donahue (and I am paraphrasing - the direct quote is in the link), "Nobody is greedy.  Just ask them. ...

The USA is not the world’s caretaker… We offer a greater gift.

Prosperity doesn't "belong to" the USA... it follows Liberty all over the globe.  So our role is not to share the limited thing that...

If You Listen to Fools…

If you listen to fools, the mob rules. Rock lyrics can be silly, insipid, and in the spirit of a modern day minstrel, insightful. The...

Elizabeth Warren: Fraud, Hypocrisy, and Fake News

When Elizabeth Warren was outed as a fake Native American (specifically, Cherokee), I thought it was comical, but not otherwise newsworthy. According to Elizabeth Warren...


In a society warped by Identity Politics, individual merit; accomplishments and character no longer play as great a role in determining one's fortunes. Individual merit...

Intellectual elites wage ideological war on Western Civilization

Postmodernism opposes order, nearly every manifestation of which is considered by post-modernists as an oppressive imposition of patriarchal hierarchy. Like Marx, the post-modernist sees human...

Hysteria over SCOTUS Confirmation is a symptom of a bigger problem

How did a SCOTUS Justice confirmation become such a desperate struggle? Was this always the case? If not, what has changed? Judicial review being "final" when it...