32.6 F
Thursday, January 9, 2025

“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.”

Anyone who writes something that absolutely everyone agrees with is merely a writer acting as a prostitute peddling their intellectual honor. “Hey there, big boy. Read something ya like? Love ya long time. Guaranteed. Give ya a little sumpin’-sumpin’ to tickle your ears with all night long.”

An Open Letter to the Christian Community

I don't write a lot of religious posts, but this past Sunday my church announced that, working in conjunction with other local...

Rebuilding Costs – Buildings vs Reputation

In many endeavors in life, rebuilding is more expensive than the original construction.  Resources must be spent to clear away the faulty...

Time to say goodbye to the Rush Limbaugh Show

The Andrews sisters’ World War Two-era song Shoo-Shoo Baby by songwriter Phil Moore contain the following lyrics: Seems...

American Justice 2.0

There was a moment the other day, after the Derek Chauvin jury was sequestered, when Joe Biden said that the evidence against...

“Group Think” — a virus run amuck.

After the 2020 election debacle it has become very clear that this push to join “conservative group-think” SM platforms will not work in the long run.

This Is Hillary’s America

I'm going to open this column with a controversial statement. I believe most readers will initially laugh at the obvious absurdity...

Managing Expectations for Our New Generations

Nearly every generation thinks the succeeding generations have it too easy, largely in part to the efforts of the prior generation.  Everyone...

The Comfort of Should: Certainty will screw you every time.

The shoulds allow for calling riots peaceful protests, voting for a man with dementia to be president, and leading juries to vote to even up the score or avoid riots by other lovers of should.

Up, Up, and Away, Pesky Customers!

No more fuzzy, fussy, blurry, incendiary racial lawsuits, Delta. It don’t get no better than that, right?