Exercise of self-mastery is too LIBERAL a virtue for today’s political left


The uniquely human capacity for self-determination is realized when a person’s MIND purposefully overrides the impulses generated by his or her brain.

Like the rest of the physical body, the brain is merely a combination of physiology and biochemistry. The mind is not.

In fact, the capacity of the Mind to override the Brain, demonstrates that the Mind (soul?) is separate from the Brain; not simply a manifestation of biochemical brain function. But as with the body, (including the brain), realization of any mind’s full capacity requires purposeful cultivation.

A person’s effectiveness in nearly every setting is in direct relation to the extent to which that person achieves mastery of him/herself. In recognition of this unchanging truth, previous generations were trained in respect for and exercise of the virtues; each of which requires a mindful decision to over-ride, channel or mold a “natural” impulse.

The religion of Secular Humanism which informs and fuels Leftism’s infantilizing effect on its subscribers, holds that it’s immoral to encourage people, especially children, to override, control, contain, channel or otherwise exercise any human mastery over their natural impulses; that an impulse coming “naturally” is synonymous with its being “good,” and should therefore be permitted full, unfiltered expression.

The predictable result of promoting a socio-sexual free-for-all is some measure of dereliction for a great many.

This is not unintended.
In fact, it’s a “twofer:”
This teaching has been successfully passed as “Liberal.”
While pretending to advance individual liberty, the Left’s goal of replacing the institutions of civil society with centrally-controlled government is advanced by undermining the maturation of character among the people. It’s a great deal easier to subjugate people whose incompetence makes them state-dependent derelicts.

Leftism views humanity with terrific contempt. While “selling” itself as “liberal” by teaching that self-control is oppressive, it simultaneously teaches that humanity is a scourge upon the Earth. An accidental freak of nature, humanity must be forcefully contained by an elite few whose wisdom qualifies them to control society.

Those who subscribe to the Judeo/Christian view of humanity (whether they are themselves religious or not) see people as the vessels through which consciousness (the image and likeness of God) enters the world. While a given person’s capacity to manifest that noble calling relies on his / her own decisions and mindful cultivation of virtue, the capacity to do so is recognized as being intrinsic to the human state.

This view, with its appreciation for the intrinsic value and capacities of the human mind, obviously informs a great respect for the inherent value of human life and liberty; the foundation of the libertarian values on which this nation was constituted.

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Patricia Anthone is one of our newest writers and resident thought leader on libertarian topics. Her professional background has been in sales, marketing and directory publishing. She has also been an involved advocate of liberty in a number of volunteer capacities including the Convention of States project at multiple levels and her local Tea Party chapters. But Tricia believes her most consequential contribution to the cause of liberty takes the form of her writings which relate America’s founding principles to current events and present them in “bite-sized” morsels to people who can take them in on the go. . “The pedestrian environment and immediacy of social media present terrific platforms for inserting our nation’s founding principles into mainstream conversation,” says Tricia.