I Don’t Get It – Ukraine Version


I am not a foreign policy expert, by any measure.  I’m just a dude that tries to make sense out of our country’s non-domestic activities.  And I realize that having incomplete grasp of the facts may poorly cloud my reasoning.  Many times in life, if I knew that ONE additional fact at the time of decision-making, I would’ve chosen a different action.  Sometimes, that ONE fact makes an ambiguous reasoning quite clear.  All of that said, I simply do not understand the US actions and responses to the Russia/Ukraine conflict.  Note that these actions are supported whole-heartedly from both Democrats and GOP in Congress.  My posts reach a fairly large audience, so maybe someone (or more) can enlighten this admittedly uninformed guy on these questions.  Another note:  I, like many, watch Tucker Carlson–since that show dominates cable viewing ratings, I’m not alone.  Tucker instigates many of these questions. Let’s dig.

1.  Why?  Why is the US sending or has sent literally BILLIONS of dollars in military aid to Ukraine?  This question has several parts:

a.  Ukraine is not even a formal ally of the US.  We have no embassy there (correct me if I’m wrong on this).  Ukraine is not a member of NATO.  The US does not import or export large amounts of anything to or from Ukraine (unless you count that military aid).

b.  Ukraine has no strategic value to the US, other than as a neighbor of Russia.  We have no military bases there.  Rumor has it that we have off-the-books labs there, but I have no idea how to verify that.

c.  Other than as an employer of Congressional and Presidential children, I have no idea what use the Ukraine is to the US or its people.

2.  How much?  The last number I saw was $100B!  That is greater than the entire military budget of Russia, yet the US taxpayers are borrowing funds (deficits, y’all) to GIFT that amount to Ukraine.  If this ‘event’ were to end tomorrow, count on the US to fund more billions in reconstruction.  I remind again:  this is NOT a formal US ally.  The big dog in this fight has a GDP less than Texas. 

3.  Accountability.  Do we know (or care) how these massive dollar amounts are spent?  Are we even requiring Ukraine to even attempt to quantify the spends?  Is there any truth to the cryptocurrency fiasco that has been speculated, where the Ukraine took aid dollars from the US and purchased the failed FTX ‘products’ (and that got mysteriously donated to Democrat campaigns)?  If the aid was so crucial, how is this even possible?

4.  Our purpose there is…?  I have no clue what a ‘successful’ ending of this conflict is, from a US perspective.  Is a return to pre-invasion status enough, or is Russian regime change now the ultimate goal?  And exactly WHY does the US get to dictate who runs other countries?  I severely doubt we would be on board with other countries trying to decide our leaders…

5.  Applicability.  Remind me again why the United Nations organization even exists, if the US assumes the policeman role for the entire planet, or at least in this instance?  I wonder if the US had an armed conflict with Mexico, how we would appreciate Russia financially supporting Mexico?

I could go on, but NONE of this makes any sense to me.  Unless the US HAS to support the Ukraine, just to prevent a real audit of Burisma (see item 1C above)…

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!  Feel free to add comments (good or bad) in the box below.  In addition, there is a link at the bottom of the article to view other items I’ve written at Global Liberty Media.  Enjoy!


  1. It makes perfect sense to me from a spiritual point of view. As a lifelong student of Bible prophecy and history, when I see what does not make sense and I wonder why humans and governments do these nonsensical things, I look for the deep actor of Evil and ask myself: What is Satan trying to do?

    Satan will always want people to be fearful and weak. He doesn’t care how he does it. So he looks for the most easily manipulated dupes he can find and proceeds to have them do what he wants.