Intellectual elites wage ideological war on Western Civilization


Postmodernism opposes order, nearly every manifestation of which is considered by post-modernists as an oppressive imposition of patriarchal hierarchy.

Like Marx, the post-modernist sees human society in terms limited to power and oppression. In this view, social and economic order only comes about only via force. Imposition of order according to any world-view preceding his/her own is therefore seen as the agent of oppression and must be opposed and re-formed as a matter of moral imperative.

This forms the rationale for the use of force in controlling society.

There is a fairly limited role for force in a society which principle defining feature is consenting exchange – voluntary interdependence.
Order naturally emerges when people interact on the basis of mutual interest and mutual consent; a condition made possible by the equal standing of each person’s natural property rights.

The order that naturally emerges in a condition of relative equality of natural liberty will involve a diverse array of socio-economic stages and levels, specialties, lifestyles, etc. This is desirable and expected.

Yet rather explaining the existing social/economic order in whatever practical terms brought that order to being (such as differences between individuals, competence, specialty, utility, marketability, necessity, preferences, etc.) the post-modernist teaches its students to take constant moral offense at the perceived “inequities imposed by oppressors.”

This dysfunctional worldview drives yet more self-destructive irrationality as it denies the existence of observable order itself; including the insights on the nature of humanity, society and justice which illuminated the Enlightenment and form the foundations of Western Civilization.

• Denies the existence of HUMAN NATURE (Natural liberty as the manifestation of created human consciousness)
• Re-defines Natural rights around physiological survival needs. In so doing, the post-modernist eliminates the need for Natural Law as a measure of justice and replaces it with state-provided subsistence, redistribution, state-imposed “equality.”
• Denies the existence of Natural Law – defense of natural rights as purpose and measure of statutory law. Unbound, then, from external or objective measure, “Justice” becomes whatever those in power define it to be at any given time.

Post-modernist theory opposes even physical reality as a boundary on sane perception/interpretation. The recent explosion in the number of people “identifying” as other than their physical sex is clearly facilitated by the teaching that there are an infinite number of interpretations of “reality.” Since none are considered in this view to be any more “valid” than are any others, each person is free to construct his own “reality.”

This prescription for mass-insanity has been pushed (hard) from the far fringes of philosophy into mainstream politics with seriously degenerative results. It fails to note that in most cases, all but one possible “interpretation of reality” must be immediately dismissed if we are to:

• Keep ourselves alive – only one “interpretation of reality” will facilitate the preservation of one’s life in the face of an oncoming threat; a predator, a truck or a hurricane.
• Preserve our health – only one “interpretation of reality” will enable a person to avoid starvation, illness and infection, etc.
• Interact peacefully and productively with others – Fruitful interaction between people is predicated on a shared perception of reality and on aligned interests.

The natural result of opposing order is to create chaos. That well serves the purposes of power-seekers who seek to topple and remake society.

A great number of (especially young) people are seduced by the appeal of post-modernist political theory.

Why is that?

It’s seductive because it offers a rationalization for our failings (oppression) and a “vision” of social and economic utopia.

The Social Justice Warriors of today didn’t invent the politics of resentment and envy. Nor did Carl Marx whose “oppressors vs Oppressed” vision today’s SJWs follow. Whether defining oppression in economic or social-justice terms, the point of the politics of victimization is to convert envy, sloth, and other ignoble human traits into political capital and with it to purchase the power to control society.

It’s not a new strategy. It persists because it will forever be effective on some portion of the population. But it will not be effective on all, or even most.

Most rational people of today’s world choose to live lives based on the “common-sense” principles of ordered liberty.

To repel this irrational assault on Western Civilization, we need only recognize and reject the self-destructive idea that human society is a zero-sum power struggle; a world-view based on victimization. We must consistently refuse the fascist demands of its activist arms; Political Correctness, Identity Politics and the Social Justice movement.

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Patricia Anthone is one of our newest writers and resident thought leader on libertarian topics. Her professional background has been in sales, marketing and directory publishing. She has also been an involved advocate of liberty in a number of volunteer capacities including the Convention of States project at multiple levels and her local Tea Party chapters. But Tricia believes her most consequential contribution to the cause of liberty takes the form of her writings which relate America’s founding principles to current events and present them in “bite-sized” morsels to people who can take them in on the go. . “The pedestrian environment and immediacy of social media present terrific platforms for inserting our nation’s founding principles into mainstream conversation,” says Tricia.