Now That We Know The Rules


My article ( highlighted a few methods Liberals have employed recently, some skirting the ‘legal’ line, and some erasing the ‘civil’ line.  While that article takes the tone of outrage, perhaps I should’ve included a new approach.  Let’s dig.

The Liberal side of our political spectrum has been remarkably consistent over the last few decades.  They do whatever it takes to get their platforms enacted.  They play the long game, not just from election cycle to election cycle.  They draft legislation that hits ALL of their pet projects, under the assumption that at SOME POINT, they will control enough of the levers of power to get that legislation pushed into law.  By one vote or several makes no difference to them at all—only the goal of getting it over the finish line.  Liberals are nothing if not incredibly consistent.  Their votes on most issues are nearly universal and dependable—one could almost call them lock-step.  The breed of Conservative Democrat, for example, is as rare as can be, at least at the Federal level. 

The Conservative side of our spectrum is much weaker. Perhaps because many of those that run as Conservatives only did so to get elected—they truly do not adhere to Conservative principles. Their main goal is to get elected, followed by getting re-elected. Lacking a fundamental baseline from which to legislate, they are much easier to have their will (and their vote) swayed by any number of pressures, from poll results to committee chairmanships to compromising at every turn. Remember what happened the last time the GOP had control of The House, The Senate, and The Presidency? Outside of a very important Federal Income Tax law, very little. They didn’t ram anything through as quickly as possible, as their Democrat folks did. The breed of Liberal GOP Congressman is quite easy to find. If you have any questions, see who gets interviewed on the Sunday talking heads shows. The media LOVES GOP that bashes other GOP members.

But the last few years have established the following certainty:  past rules, laws, and customs simply no longer apply.  In one sense, that is a great thing, but only if the GOP, once it gets control, actually LEADS and exercises the same methods as their opposition.  Here are some ideas for the next time (possibly soon) that the GOP gets control of the legislative levers (and to do these things requires ALL levers at once):

1.  No more Mr. Nice Guy.  No more ‘go along to get along’.  That hasn’t worked, and will not work in the future, so play like your adversaries.  They want a voice?  Allow them the same voice you got over the last two years:  none.  They are welcome to ‘cross the aisle’—in our direction.  We are no longer interested in squishing their direction.

2.  Appoint a brass-knuckles, balls-of-steel Attorney General.  He must be squeaky-clean, but must be willing to fight all of Washington, DC—because he will have to.  Investigate ALL POTENTIAL LAWBREAKERS, OF EITHER PARTY.  Remember, it is up to the Courts to determine guilt.  If you have a solid case, INDICT.  Face it:  US citizens will NOT have faith in the DOJ/FBI/AG until obvious lawbreakers are indicted and stand trial.  And I really do not care whose friends are whose. 

3.  The President MUST clean house.  The heads of the FBI/DOJ serve at the pleasure of the President.  There are only two options:  remove all leadership positions, or disband the entire organization.  Employing gestapo law enforcement personnel that are deeply entrenched is a failed process.  They will fight you every step of the way, especially if you attempt to reform them.  Disband has my vote.

4.  Congressional Commissions, unless assembled to determine if oversight has been performed correctly, are not Constitutional.  That’s what courts are for.  Fact-finding (fishing) is unacceptable.  Supposedly, Congressional folks have better things to do—like THEIR JOBS.

5.  Appoint Special Prosecutors (cut from the same cloth as the AG) to investigate the Clinton Foundation, the Biden family (and their international ‘businesses’), the former heads of the DOJ and FBI, and ANY Congressman that has amassed great wealth magically while earning $200K/year.  Hint:  if you took office as a pauper, but are now worth millions, you should be very worried.  And this includes the family members that are magically appointed to the boards of companies they have zero experience to support.  Influence peddling and selling should be handled as the felony it is, not just a Congressional family perk.

6.  The bar has been set:  raid any home of anyone in step 5—what was formerly off limits is now fair game.  Build a select squad of FBI agents, if necessary.  Liberals opened this door—slam through it.  The same applies to ‘political correctness’ within our military academies and services:  Liberals enforced such things, without considering (or caring) about how it degrades our fighting forces—unacceptable.  Just as they created this monster, remove all PC nonsense, in favor of recreating the greatest fighting forces possible.  We may need them someday.

7.  It is now acceptable to shop for a like-minded judge to sign the search warrant necessary for items 5 and 6.  Just like the Biden DOJ/FBI did when raiding President Donald Trump’s home.  Once again, use their tactics against them.  Hint:  Trump appointed MANY judges, at all levels.  Time to leverage that to our advantage.

8.  Don’t be afraid to do what the US citizens NEED to have done.  From locking down the Southern Border, to facing our foreign adversaries, to cleaning up what is taught in our military academies.  You’re going to get ROASTED by most of the media, regardless of what you do.  You will be Hitler, you will be racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, transphobic, Islamophobic, and anything else they can conjure up, no matter what you do (unless you run the country as a Democrat with a GOP label).  May as well do what you were elected to do.

9.  It is time to clean up the bureaucracies of Washington, DC.  Past time.  Have a meaningful audit of all spending and all hiring, per each Cabinet level organization.  Don’t be afraid to eliminate some organizations entirely:  Department of Education, Department of Energy, and the BATF are great places to start.  But ALL departments must justify their existence and budgets.  We can no longer employ hundreds of thousands of people that do not perform necessary functions.  Lifelong positions should not exist.  Hint:  we have a $30T deficit—we can’t afford these people anymore, if we ever could.

10.  The American people are not the enemy.  The citizens deserve to have their concerns addressed.  And NONE OF THAT includes illegal immigrants—not their ‘rights’, not their ‘education’, not their ‘legal representation’, or their healthcare.  See item 8.  It is time for the Federal government to do its job and address the invasion—and stop it.

11.  Lawlessness ends NOW.  Those same citizens that elected you deserve for laws to be upheld, and neighborhoods to be safe for their families.  Need to call in the National Guard?  Get it done.  I know they must be invited by the Governors of the States.  Apply as much political pressure as needed.  And, just to be clear:  any city or State declaring itself a ‘sanctuary’ from Federal law, their applicable representative (Mayor or Governor) is to be immediately jailed—just as the lawbreakers they are.

12.  Congressional budgets will no longer be ignored.  Omnibus spending bills will be vetoed.  Period.  Spending bills will contain the specific Constitutional enumerated power that justifies them, or they will not be considered.

These are just my initial ideas, I’m sure others have more.  But the point is:  there are no more rules to hide behind.  No more civility to excuse not getting your jobs done.  And no more reason to play nice—it has not and does not work.  It is time to do to your opponents what they have been and are doing to you. Goose, gander.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!  Feel free to add comments (good or bad) in the box below.  In addition, there is a link at the bottom of the article to view other items I’ve written at Global Liberty Media.  Enjoy!