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Tag: poverty

How to be a Special Rapporteur for the U.N. General Assembly

Contrary to popular opinion and what the reader may believe to be so, this author is not political. Mention of President Donald Trump in a flattering light does not mean she approves of everything he does; therefore the author asks that you please hold your scathing denouncements of her for something that actually matters, like...how she uses commas.

American Wealth and Poverty

Wealth and poverty are abstract labels which are used to mislead people and push agendas. The "poor" in America have more...

The USA is not the world’s caretaker… We offer a greater...

Prosperity doesn't "belong to" the USA... it follows Liberty all over the globe.  So our role is not to share the limited thing that...

In Defense of Liberty (Part 1)

Our liberty and freedoms which we enjoy as Americans are under imminent threat.  There has been over two centuries of individual freedom, peace, and...

Government vs Free Market Failures

The most pervasive argument on the left, and the most dishonest, is that if someone does not want government to provide something, they do...

Democrats, Republicans, and Hate for the Poor

There is a popular narrative on the left that Republicans hate poor people.  Supposedly, we believe that when people are poor, it is their...