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Tag: socialism

Talked into Tyranny: Covid-19 and the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion

The great tragedy of our time is not a government seeking total control, but a population of willfully ignorant people refusing to...

The Socialists Weapon of Envy

Per Merriam-Webster, envy is ‘painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same...

The Social Contract

This article was originally written as a Facebook post. After having been shared, and then re-shared a couple years later, I...

Low-Level Thinking in Economics and Politics

Milton Friedman once made a distinction between political questions and economic questions. Whether or not every American should be afforded a minimum...

Thomas Malthus, Adam Smith, and You!

The two most important economists in history, in terms of the impact they have had on the world, are Thomas Malthus and...

Irreconcilable Differences

Over the last few years, culminating in the last few months, we have seen a break-down of our social contract, along with...

CHAZ or CHOP–now what?

So, we have a ‘situation’ in Downtown Seattle. A group of ANTFA/Black Lives Matter-related folks have ‘occupied’ a six or seven block...

Virtue Signaling 2.0 – Believing the Unreal Reality

I wrote an article about two years ago on virtue signaling, and how the left uses it to brainwash people. This...

Socialism and War

'Modern Socialism' had it's birth in 1920s London, when the Fabian Society helped answer the question of why World War I did...

Equality and Socialism

Proponents of Socialism always couch their argument for their system in fairness and equality.  They bemoan the fact that Capitalism naturally creates...