Talk Me Down From The Ledge

Two feet at the edge of a rooftop of a high building. A busy street appears looking down.

Is there any good news lately?  I just don’t see it.  Everything I see is a reduction in freedom, a decrease in safety, and a foreboding economic collapse, pushed into high gear by this political process.  Let’s dig.

As a Conservative, I KNEW I likely wouldn’t be pleased with a Democrat-controlled Congress and a Democrat President.  I KNEW their priorities and policies wouldn’t align with mine.  But I had no idea that their worldview was so far from my own, that they would rather destroy the US than fix any particular issue.  Can anyone point to a plank or policy of the current Democrat party that is pro-USA?  That advances freedom, or improves the lives of the general population in any way?  I come up empty.

The Biden Administration seems intent on ending our way of life.  From uncontrolled immigration, to imaginary energy policy, to focusing on ‘climate change’ (regardless of cost vs even potential results), to ignoring our battlefield big cities and their rise in crime, to viewing political disagreement as ‘subversive’, this Admin seems about as anti-American as any in history.  And Congress’ priorities are no closer to reality than the Admin.  They either do not know or do not care that spending two years of tax receipts per fiscal year is a ridiculous, foolish, catastrophe waiting to happen.  They continue to rant that ‘the rich’ do not pay ‘their fair share’ of taxes, yet only the top half of incomes pay any net federal income tax.  Note that ‘fair share’ is never defined.  They seem to encourage idle, nonproductive people, and want said ‘rich’ to fund them.  Somehow, the government’s take of what someone else earned is whatever they want it to be.  And several States have taken that theory to heart, as well.  Oddly enough, the highest taxed States also seem to be lacking in infrastructure and general standard of living.  Do you wonder where all of that cash went?  They hope you don’t ask.

Remember when a million dollars was a large sum?  Then it was a billion.  Now, if a spending bill isn’t over a TRILLION dollars, it simply isn’t newsworthy.  The currency printing presses operate non-stop, with the inevitable devaluing of the existing currency already happening.  This trend seems to be escalating, with no end in sight—unless the whole house of cards implodes.

An aside:  several metropolitan areas are deciding to stop enforcing the laws of their choosing.  Several cities have decided that shoplifting of goods less than $1,000 in value simply will not be prosecuted.  The predictable results:  a rapid increase in shoplifting, to the point of store closures.  The same exact dynamic occurs when localities decide that overnight camping (read:  homeless shanty towns) is allowed.  From California to Austin, Texas, the end result is exactly the same:  allow it, you get more of it.  Oddly enough, they also decided not to enforce drug possession, usage, or sales laws, along with public decency codes. Side by side with this approach is an effort to decrease or eliminate funding for local police departments.  Oh boy.  I wonder what the businesses in those areas think of their investments in real estate and employees of those areas?

Children of all ages are now being taught to hate their country, their religion (if any), their nationality (especially if they are Caucasian), and to see only the bad of their country’s origins.  Pay no attention to the good things, or any improvements that have happened—focus on anything to hate.  Someone in our past did great things, but had a single character flaw?  Stress the flaw, ignore anything else.  Can’t read or write English, or do any form of basic math?  Not important, as long as you recognize 85 genders, and know that it’s likely your fault if anyone else fails at anything.  PS:  the teacher’s unions need more money to continue this drivel, even if they are abjectly failing at their primary role.  And to extend their failure even further, some would like college to be ‘free’ (meaning, taxpayer funded)—think of it as high school, phase II.  If this comes to pass, the proliferation of worthless degrees will expand exponentially.

We formerly had a few countries that were similar to our own, notably Canada and Australia.  Oh boy.  Canada has become a caricature of itself, as Prime Minister Justin (not Garry) Trudeau has taken his country into many Socialist areas—we shall see if they succeed or fail.  And Australia, after banning most citizen-owned firearms, has turned into a totalitarian nightmare for those citizens, all spurned by draconian responses to the COVID-19 virus.  Unarmed, they must simply take whatever the government demands of them.  With a nearly complete loss of individual freedoms, Australia is closer now to its former penal colony status than ever before.  And people wonder why the US is deep in 2nd Amendment advocates (some say zealots)? 

Speaking of COVID, President Biden has proposed making COVID vaccines MANDATORY for all companies over 100 employees.  If you can find that particular role of Federal government in our US Constitution, please advise this author.  Rumblings of ‘vaccine passports’, as a condition of utilizing public transportation and public venues, such as restaurants and bars, are festering.  New York City is already trying to enforce such control over its business owners.  Again, where is that power defined?  And if we allow such, where does their power to force us to do…anything…end?

I apologize for the dreary nature of this writing.  If anyone has any good news, please, talk me down from the ledge.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!  Feel free to add comments (good or bad) in the box below.  In addition, there is a link at the bottom of the article to view other items I’ve written at Global Liberty Media.  Enjoy!