The New Bridezillas and Their Bridesmaids: Democrats and RINOs


Attempting to explain why Democrats’ actions of late are getting so much wilder, I resorted to making a comparison for ease of understanding. I said, “Democrats are bridezillas.”

I didn’t have to say anymore.

Bridezillas, you see, look only at what’s right in front of their noses. Most important to them is the marrying ceremony and all the glitz, parties, fancy clothes, and fancy food that comes with it. They also love the attention. Why, they spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to get “my day” perfect. But once the fun stuff is over, have they given any thought to the hard work it takes to make a marriage happy and successful?

No. And that’s the problem.

Shortsighted party girls do not a happy home make.

Many a starter-husband knows exactly what I’m talking about as they had the unfortunate experience of asking one of those to marry. Am I lying? I am not.  

Democrats are our political version of bridezillas. And who are their harried bridesmaids? Those would be the spineless and gentrified old-order Democrats and RINOs who just want everybody to stop with the shouting and get along.  

However, to get to that peace, harried bridesmaids of bridezillas make an awfully naïve assumption.

That assumption is that the bridezilla must always get her way or else she’ll get meaner. To contain the demanding, angry, bullying, they cater to her every whim to make her “dream day” come true and be perfect. Such catering only gives the bridezilla permission to get angrier and more demanding.

Many a bridesmaid of bridezillas know exactly what I’m talking about. Whole friendships have been abandoned as these bridesmaids have their slavish devotion to the “perfect dream day” thrown in their faces when something goes wrong. Am I lying? I am not.

Old, what is now called moderate, Democrats and most RINOs are willing to jump through any hoop to make their radical Democrat bridezilla just calm down. But they naïvely believe that speaking in a calm voice and saying “Okay, I’ll do it just like you want” will shut them up.


Give radical Dems an inch and they will take over the whole country.

When moderate Dems and RINOs cave to their political bridezilla and do not stand up firmly to them, the whole country pays for it. We’re paying for it now. As they spread the word wide and far about how they are demanding things be done their way, certain youthful folks say, “Oh, so all I have to do is yell and scream and stomp and smash and everybody will give me my way? Sweet!”

No wonder we have the man dragging in a large rubber trashbin and filling it with cigarettes and walking out the door in his third robbery of the same place. When told he cannot take those but must pay, he keeps walking. But then he’s stopped and finds himself getting the crap-fire beaten out of him and he’s laying on the floor flailing his legs like a toddler in a scream-infused temper tantrum.

This beatdown isn’t about cigarettes. It’s about how he’s flaunting hatred of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And who do the police start investigating, even though there is actual clear footage of the event as reported? That’s right.

They investigate the store owners (bridesmaids who finally stood up for what’s right) instead of that clueless criminal (the bridezilla) who doesn’t understand that he’s done anything wrong.

Just like a bridezilla thinks everything exists for her and her alone, the criminal believes what you work hard for is for his happiness and is confused when he comes upon a differing opinion. He’s not doing anything wrong and how dare you say so. Why, didn’t the Constitution of the United States say we should pursue happiness? That’s all he’s doing so stop trying to steal his bliss.

Well, buddy boy, turnabout is fair play. And the Dems know we’ve come to understand that as we deploy methods that check their bully raids.

The harder we push back, the more they bump up against their own wild craziness. Like a pack of dogs attacking what they think is a weak meal, they become confused and unable to focus when the weak meal kicks them in the teeth.

Their lack of focus is shows and they believe they still have us fooled.

They are wrong.

This latest attack on us comes in the form of attempting to prosecute Donald J. Trump for crimes that do not exist except in their own little world.  

I call out to all those who just want to live a quiet life and who think they don’t need to do anything except get along:

Stand up against these political bridezillas now or you’ll be paying for this “wedding” the rest of your life.

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The author apologizes that she’s been off this site for so long, but she has had four deaths in the family since January 2023 and other issues that have taken much of her attention and time and it just couldn’t be helped.

Born and raised in Georgia, Angela K. Durden is an author, publisher, editor, songwriter, performer, and more, living in Metro Atlanta, Georgia. She appreciates your support of her Citizen Journalism by purchasing her books. Visit her Consolidated Author Page and buy a book or three.   See more about Angela here. Want to watch a fun video?  Click here.