The Trans Movement Chaos: Understanding the Dialectic


Has anyone ever considered the possibility that the trans movement, the drag shows, the over-sexualization of children, and even movements like BLM, are all part of a plot to infuriate the right and create chaos?

As conservatives, we generally pride ourselves on our intelligence and ability to see through left-wing propaganda. We know, for example, that clever manipulators were in key positions throughout history to orchestrate conflicts that served their agenda.

What I find frustrating is the rejection of ideas that suggest perceptions serve a large role in manipulating society. After all, it was the demonization of the Jews and the created perception that they were less than human that provided the necessary hatred needed to round them up and execute them. It was the perception created by communists that those opposing the ideology didn’t care about humanity enough to go along with the agenda that led to over 100,000,000 people being murdered in the name of Marxism. According to The Black Book of Communism, it was the idea that they were trying to create a more equitable world, and what they were doing was done in the name of fairness, that enabled them to get away with it. When I say that I mean that the atrocities of communism, compared to Nazism, get very little attention today. Everybody knows Hitler, but few know Mao or Pol Pot. Today, we are experiencing something that simply, doesn’t make sense. How, all of a sudden, did transgenderism become such a huge issue? If you have read any of my articles on Critical Theory or researched the issue yourself, you may have an understanding. Most people, however, probably do not.

We have to face the probability that this movement was deliberately created to be an instigator. They are being used by the left to drive us into a needed conflict. Think about this. The conservative right has been portrayed as hateful, bigoted, racist, and homophobic for years. I don’t think any conservative wouldn’t acknowledge that as a propaganda campaign meant to dehumanize and silence us. What about the trans movement then? Or BLM? They would be the instigators used to agitate and irritate. The useful idiots, if you will. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic, and if you understand Marxism at all, this should be considered a real possibility.

Why does this matter? Well, it seems like a lot of people think that if a conflict were to break out it would be a quick a minute thing where we would take our country back once and for all. I need you to understand that I am not sharing my personal feelings on what should or shouldn’t happen. I am not suggesting we silence ourselves, or that we shouldn’t assert our values. I am only writing what I know.

The Trans movement has been identified by the U.N. as a human rights issue. The United States, like it or not, is seen by many as an imperialist, oppressor nation. Not only that, the efforts to disarm America are also global. China, for example, has issued many demands to the U.N. that American citizens be disarmed.

Big deal, right? I mean, come and take them. While I generally share that attitude, the truth is, they very well may. Remember the U.N. Arms Treaty? Yes, I know it wasn’t ratified by the Senate. It doesn’t need to be. Mexico and Canada ratified it. There are provisions in the treaty that enable signatory countries to pressure non-signatories into compliance. Particularly concerning armed conflicts and how they may affect trade between nations.

In other words, if the U.S. were to erupt into a civil conflict over this issue, it could very well be the pretext needed for them to put U.N. troops on our streets. In the name of protecting human rights, of course. I am in no way speculating on what the outcome of that would be. I am saying that we are sitting on a powder keg, and it is getting closer to blowing up all over the place. Not only are conservatives getting increasingly angry over the perversion their children are being exposed to, and the destruction of traditional Christian values, the left is using this anger to turn us into enemies of human rights. The useful idiots on the left believe they are being oppressed and that we hate them simply because they exist.

It is all being done on purpose. In fact, it is the culmination of an agenda started by Antonio Gramsci years ago. Create subcultures of groups that all share the same, common oppressor. The white Christian male.