Twittergate Will Solve Everything!


Elon Musk is ripping the cover off of the inside workings of Twitter, specifically during the run-up to the 2020 Presidential Election cycle.  While this may be the hottest political topic since the Watergate scandal in 1974 (and it should be), I approach this topic with a truck-load of salt.  Let’s dig.

Back in September, I wrote this article:  The dynamics behind that article have not changed one iota then to now.  When the people in charge of law break the law, what happens?  If you said, “Nothing”, then you know why the load of salt.  Musk’s unmasking of the Twitter shenanigans, and those of the DNC, FBI, and Main Stream Media, confirm what many of us have suggested for literally decades:  The Deep State cheats.  Often.  Brazenly.  They will alter evidence (see:  General Michael Flynn).  They start unfounded rumors (see:  Steele dossier), not to mention the entire ‘Russian collusion’ nonsense.  They fake out the FISA court to spy on political opposition.  They will ‘imbed’ many fake ‘wrongdoers’ into political protests and ‘kidnapping’ schemes (whether they are bystanders or instigators of such wrongdoing is debatable).

 After all of this, we question whether they would cheat and defraud elections?  Easy-peasy.  And why shouldn’t they?  There are absolutely NO negative consequences for ignoring any and all laws the rest of us try to operate within.  When the cheaters control the DOJ, FBI, and Attorney General (those parties that COULD charge obvious law-breakers with crimes), they KNOW they are safe from such possibilities. Note that the Deep State controls these offices regardless of what party holds what office.  No, those in control of law enforcement are busy ignoring known potential serial killers until after they act; they are busy harassing anyone remotely connected with the January 6th protest, even those that committed no crimes; they are busy charging political opponents with the same exact crimes they execute daily (see:  Steve Bannon). 

Even the ‘threat’ of testifying before a Congressional hearing is quite laughable.  The list of folks that have flat-out lied to such committees, with no indictments or charges for doing so, is quite lengthy.  Consider the circus of ‘grilling’ Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.  He can literally sit before that committee, note that the number of illegal alien encounters, re-encounters, got-aways, and those released into the US, are ALL at record numbers, yet he can still say the US Southern Border is ‘secure’.  In a sane world, Mayorkas would be led from such proceedings in handcuffs for such statements.  But he will face the same penalty Hillary Clinton faced after destroying State property (cell phones and emails), all while having an illegal separate email server from the State Department (to avoid Freedom Of Information Act requirements)—NOT A THING.

Note that I do not limit ‘wrongdoers’ to the Democrat Party, even though they are the most frequent and obvious offenders.  That over 70% of ‘slow counting’ elections favor the Democrat running is noteworthy—keep counting until we win, boys, then STOP. How many mail-in ballots do we need to win?  Conveniently, that’s EXACTLY how many we have!  But the GOP leadership has done so little to address this state of affairs, it is not a large leap of faith to believe they may be in on it, too.  Note the abject silence from GOP leadership regarding the ongoing Twitter reveals.  Crickets.  You’d think they would be on every Sunday morning talking-head show, slamming podiums, vowing to get to the bottom of this pure evil!  They were caught red-handed, yet no one outside of Conservative Media seems to care at all.  If everyone ignores it, it will go away, right?

I will re-state what I have said in the past:  the ONLY way this corruption will ever stop is if lawbreakers get indicted, stand trial, and, if guilty, GO TO JAIL—with sentences long enough to dissuade any future actors from ever trying that stuff again.  And the only way that happens is if we have a law-and-order Attorney General, who will prosecute ANYONE with the appearance of criminality, regardless of party.  Such an AG must be clean-as-a-whistle pristine, with ZERO skeletons in their closets–otherwise, the MSM will grill him or her like a Labor Day hot dog.  They will dig into that AG’s past like they were trying to solve life’s great mysteries, looking for anything they can find to besmirch the integrity of the AG.  Failing that, they will make stuff up.  Their track record is crystal clear. 

The powers that be LIKE THINGS JUST THE WAY THEY ARE.  They have zero intention of letting some do-gooder prosecutor challenge the system they purposely put in place.  They will use the media (MSM and social), along with every tool of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches, to keep the status quo just like it is.  And why wouldn’t they?  That system makes them wealthy, powerful, and isolated from the rules and laws the rest of us have to obey.

I wish I was optimistic enough to think that Twittergate will yield positive change.  I sure hope that Elon Musk’s actions force accountability to people that up until now have had none.  But until lawbreakers go to jail, I reserve the right to use my truck for salt.  From the taxpaying citizens’ point of view, the beatings will continue until morale improves.  Thank you sir, may I have another.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!  Feel free to add comments (good or bad) in the box below.  In addition, there is a link at the bottom of the article to view other items I’ve written at Global Liberty Media.  Enjoy!