Victimization by Media


I try to stay abreast of current events, especially political ones.  I try to discern truth from fiction in the reporting of such events, but one can only know how much wool has been pulled over so many eyes if one has direct, first-hand experience with a specific situation.  At that point, one can compare what happened vs what is said that happened.  The differences can shake your entire viewpoint of media and public figures.  I have experienced that twice this week.  And I am far from happy with the results.  Let’s dig.

First, let’s deal with the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.  OMG.  That this trial even took place is a true testament to how far our judicial and legal systems have fallen out of repair.  IT WAS ON TV!  Young Mr. Rittenhouse was trying to defend someone else’s property in Kenosha, WI, during rioting conditions.  Not a terribly wise, smart, or safe thing to do—but certainly not illegal.  There were buildings on fire everywhere within camera view, as we all saw, nearly real-time.  Kyle chased away some people from torching some dumpster, or whatever—which irritated those rioters enough to chase Kyle, beat him with a skateboard, and, eventually, pull a firearm on him.  This is all established fact, caught on said camera—some of it, sketchy drone camera footage.  In a matter of pure self-defense, Kyle shot three people trying to harm him.  He killed two, injured one.  That all three recipients of Kyle gunshots were previously convicted criminals has no bearing on this case—but it should.  These were RIOTERS!  In a sane world, Kyle wouldn’t even have left his home.  Adult police would be peacekeeping, arresting rioters for their illegal activity.  But we’ve left the sane world long behind us.  Police were no where to be found.  Apparently, they were given a stand-down order.  Whomever gave that order should be the person on trial here, not Mr. Rittenhouse.  That said, I watched the live internet coverage of the trial.  OMG again.  The prosecution was so bad, so lacking in even basic legal acumen, this trial should result in their immediate disbarment.  The prosecution even tried to insinuate that Rittenhouse’s silence since arrest should be taken into some level of ‘establishment of state of mind’—yet that standard has been ruled illegal since the Maranda case back in 1966!  Every cop TV show since then has some mention of the Miranda warning: “Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning.  If you do not have an attorney, one can be appointed for you.”  But the scary part about this trial isn’t that it is taking place, or what legal shenanigans are part of it (at this writing, no verdict has been announced).  What is terrible is the variation of what happened vs what the media has reported.  Various media outlets have focused not on the riots, but the fact that Rittenhouse had the nerve to defend himself.  Apparently, he should’ve just let the thugs kill him.  The not-so-implied message here:  you should do nothing to stop these political rioters.  Period.  If you try to stop them, YOU will be put on trial, not the criminal behavior of those burning, destroying, or looting public and private property!

Next, I attended a meeting with guest speaker Victor Avila.  Mr. Avila was formerly of the US Border Patrol, ICE, and is VERY plugged into the people and processes that are happening at the US Southern Border with Mexico.  OMG again.  See all of those vehicles and National Guard troops sent down to the border by Texas Governor Greg Abbott?  ALL SHOW.  EVERY BIT OF IT.  They made their dramatic, TV-photo op AFTER everyone was let into the US!  And there is the other side of the coin.  Damn near everyone ‘apprehended’ at the border is given ‘papers’, with no inspection (health or contents).  Those ‘papers’ are sufficient to allow their holders immediate boarding of buses and airplanes to destinations throughout the entire US—at taxpayer expense!  You or I have to go thru TSA checkpoints, with required ID and boarding passes.  They do not.  They simply get a free pass and board.  NONE of this could happen without the explicit direction and intention of both the State and Federal governments.  Drug and human trafficking?  Apparently, not a real concern.  Potential terrorist bad actors?  Not an issue.  Gangbangers and those with previous serious criminal convictions?  Irrelevant.  Whomever is responsible for directing the Border Patrol, Homeland Security, and ICE in this region should be jailed.  Whomever directed the policy of basically shutting down our border defenses to explicitly allow and fund these illegal alien disbursement programs, completely against existing, written, passed laws—regardless of the funding mechanism, should be imprisoned, regardless of the level of government that person or persons occupy.  But more specific to this writing was the media and image crafting of Governor Abbott.  I was completely fooled.  I was arguing FOR Abbott against people.  I thought he was doing the things he espoused, sending National Guard troops to the border, funding separate border barriers, even passing laws to arrest and detain illegals via State law, since the Federal laws were so worthless.  All hat and no cattle.  After listening to Mr. Avila’s personal, first-hand accounts of the wanton illegalities at our border, my view of Mr. Abbott has flipped 180 degrees. 

So, in summary, these two examples show that anyone believing the media depiction of these circumstances is being fed a completely, 100%, fabricated account of reality.  This isn’t a case of a few innocent mistakes of shade, or nuances of minor details.  These are whole-cloth lies, known by everyone involved that they ARE lies, and they are pushed at every level of media consumption.  If you consume these first-hand accounts, and compare them to The Media View, and trust a single thing those sources produce about literally ANYTHING, then you are willfully being led, by the nose, into a direction the powers that be WANT you to go, completely divorced from the true facts at hand.  One wonders what else they are lying about.  I’ll venture this guess:  anything they are reporting.  All of it.  Some folks have been saying this for a while, I guess I am just late to the party.  The media, and the government enacting these policies, are direct enemies of lawful, taxpaying citizens of the US.  The fix?  It will NOT end pretty.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!  Feel free to add comments (good or bad) in the box below.  In addition, there is a link at the bottom of the article to view other items I’ve written at Global Liberty Media.  Enjoy!