What do you have to lose?


“What do you have to lose,” asked then Candidate Trump when addressing a majority-Black gathering in 2016.

Having voted, seemingly without condition, for D-Party politicians over multiple decades, the people to whom this sincere question was directed had suffered the results of urban decay, educational decline, persistently high unemployment and multi-generational poverty in rates far exceeding that of other demographic groups.

The historic election and 8-year term of a Black president, though hailed as a political break-though by most of America’s Black population in 2008, made no discernable difference in the lives of most Black Americans.

Why? Because the D-Party Administration of President Obama did the same as the D-Party has always done and may always do: It leveraged rather than addressed the human misery caused by unemployment and poverty. The D-Party approach is “Community Organizing” – funneling the anger and frustration of people ensnared in a cycle of unemployment and poverty into political support for the D-Party.

Rather than enacting policies that attract employers to urban centers; policies that increase the number and diversity of employment opportunities, the Obama admin did the opposite.

Converting understandable frustration into class envy isn’t very difficult for a smooth-talking politician. Obama and his Party easily whipped up nation-wide resentment for the very entities on which the Administration should have relied for the growth of economic opportunity.
So corporations of all kinds were vilified as “evil, greedy, soulless entities” requiring draconian regulation to keep them from further harming the public. Businesses were hounded from the urban centers and the government entities doing the hounding were presented as the virtuous defenders of the people.

The D-Party is damned good at this game. They’ve been converting misery into political power for many decades. The election of a Black President clearly didn’t change the “business model” of the D-Party. In retrospect, it was probably a bit naïve to expect it would. Nor would the election of a Brown-skinned Democrat, or an Oriental Democrat or a female Democrat… because the operative issue here isn’t the race, color or gender of the President. It’s the CORRUPT and self-serving “governance” of the D-Party.

So “What do you have to lose” today? This question should be asked of everyone who is presently benefiting from a booming economy and record-low unemployment. These two benefits, at least, are presently improving the prospects of EVERY American. And they will be immediately discarded if the D-Party wins in 2020.


When the number of qualified candidates available for hire goes down, it is harder to replace employees. Our value as employees goes up and with it, our leverage in our employment relationship.

The results:

  • Rising wages across all sectors
  • We are more free to move to a better job
  • It’s easier to ask for and get a raise
  • We enjoy better job security

This is ours to lose. Vote D-Party and we can return to the days of opposing employment as if it were some awful evil.


Ostensibly sought by the US since the Truman Administration, we’ve now achieved it; in large-part due to the development of fracking technology.
What does this mean to the average American?

  • It means that the US is no longer beholden to middle-Eastern nations who hate the US.
  • Our energy supply is now secured under US control.
  • Now an energy EXPORTER, the US is able to exercise greater economic influence on the world stage rather than relying excessively on military might.
  • Not only is our economy and our energy in our own hands, our sons and daughters are, too.

This, too, is ours to lose. Although the Trump administration cannot be credited for the advances that give us energy independence, it can be credited with keeping gov’t intrusion to a minimum so that advances and increased production are not unnecessarily impeded. This will NOT be the approach of the next D-Party administration. We can kiss both our energy security and our healthy economy goodbye if the D-Party takes this nation’s helm in 2020.

With our economy booming, people employed and our prospects so bright, we now have SO MUCH MORE TO LOSE!

Every one of the 2020 D-Party presidential candidates has embraced the Green New Deal – an outline of “green” and “social justice” proposals that promise to ban fracking in the short term, all fossil-fuel use in the longer term and engineer society in countless ways in pursuit of “social justice.” The D-Party’s candidates all promise much greater regulatory control of everything from employment to faith expression. They want to disarm as many Americans as possible. And they are intent on achieving full Federal control of your bodily care.

We don’t have to imagine the results of their dystopian vision for America. We have California and Venezuela as vivid examples.

I have a few suggestions for those who find President Trump’s personality objectionable:

  • Remove Trump from your dinner-party invitation list.
  • Decline his invitation when next you’re invited to the White House.
  • Keep your social and personality-driven decisions well and rationally SEPARATED from the decisions you’ll be asked to make about the direction of our nation.

With the whole of the D-Party now promising full, central-government takeover of our economy via socialization of both medicine and energy sectors, we, our children and our grandchildren have a tremendous amount to lose.

Keep the USA out of Socialist hands! Re-ELECT TRUMP in 2020!

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Patricia Anthone is one of our newest writers and resident thought leader on libertarian topics. Her professional background has been in sales, marketing and directory publishing. She has also been an involved advocate of liberty in a number of volunteer capacities including the Convention of States project at multiple levels and her local Tea Party chapters. But Tricia believes her most consequential contribution to the cause of liberty takes the form of her writings which relate America’s founding principles to current events and present them in “bite-sized” morsels to people who can take them in on the go. . “The pedestrian environment and immediacy of social media present terrific platforms for inserting our nation’s founding principles into mainstream conversation,” says Tricia.