Who Are The Constituents?


We have an unusual system of government here in the United States.  It is known as a Constitutional Representative Republic (not a Democracy, even though there are Democratic principles at the lower levels).  What this means is that our Founding Document, the U. S. Constitution, defines in Articles 1 thru 3 the very makeup of our system:  Article 1 establishes the Legislative Branch, consisting of an upper house (Senate) and a lower house (the House of Representatives); Article 2 establishes the Executive Branch, consisting of the President and Vice President, and those offices directly reporting to the President (although those offices are not specifically defined in this Article); Article 3 establishes the Judicial Branch, the Supreme Court, inferior Federal Courts, and defines Treason, and allows Congress to punish it.  Note that Federal Court judges are appointed by the President, with advise and consent of the Senate.  The Democratic part of this process:  local and State elections, comprising of voters, select those that will ‘represent’ them in Congress.  A voter can only vote for those in their jurisdiction:  his or her Congressional District for the House, his or her State for Senator (formerly, Senators were selected by the States—that was changed to popular vote by the 17th Amendment), and the local judiciary.  A voter also votes for President, but that is really a vote, per State, of the Electoral College delegates.  There are NO real National elections, and that is entirely by design.  So, now we know whom you elect, but the converse of this statement is no longer clear:  who represents YOU?  Let’s dig.

In a perfect system, political figures of all stripes would be directly answerable to the folks that voted for them (in the US, anyway).  In the days of our country’s birth, technology simply did not exist for such things, outside of small-town districts, even if it does now.  Heck, modern technology can count millions of votes for things in minutes (see:  American Idol).  That we do not utilize such systems is the subject of other articles.  But the underlying theme should be:  elected politicians SHOULD handle the business (REPRESENT) of the folks who voted for them.  As a Texan, I expect Texas Congressmen and Senators to represent Texas views on everything at the Federal level.  Of course, there is no universal ‘Texan view’, so some variation is quite expected.  And if a Texas Congressman or Senator does not accurately represent the views of the majority of his constituents, either at the District or State level, one would expect that rep to lose their next election to someone who does.  Unfortunately, we Texans have no impact on other State’s or District’s reps—and they have no impact upon ours!

But we have a far from perfect system.  Like every other system on Earth, money and power change things.  While we supposedly live in a ‘one person, one vote’ system, those that have large sums of cash (to donate to candidates) have more power over legislators than poor folks.  But this article is NOT about money in politics—at least, not directly.  While that is a meaningful subject, many others have delved into that topic better and deeper than I ever could.  This writing is about unequal representation for those that should have NO US representation at all!

Consider the wave of illegal immigrants swarming our Southern border.  They come from all countries, although most come from Latin and South America.  Despite their wildly different backgrounds, motivations, circumstances, talents, and burdens, they all have one thing in common:  not a single one of them legally votes in US elections.  Yet they are championed by many Congressional officeholders and our President, as if they are the bravest, most appropriate people to shower citizenship and cash upon!  Many States are ‘sanctuary States’, that will refuse to cooperate with existing immigration laws and bureaus, even to the extent of paying for their legal representation.  Many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are getting paid handsomely per person, to facilitate them breaking our laws, WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS.  One political Party intends to import a new voter base; the other needs a new class of slave labor.  Both are 100% WRONG, according to the citizens of the country they supposedly represent.  The impact to our educational systems, social safety nets, judicial and penal systems, is unbelievable, not to mention the impacts on the property owners and lives of border town citizens, yet this abject lawless invasion is allowed to continue.  And along with this invasion comes Fentanyl importation and other drug and human trafficking—the cost in lives and money is nearly unbounded.  Exactly whose constituents are these people, other than the governments of their home countries? 

Next, consider the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Rather, consider our involvement in that particular war.  The Ukraine is not a member of the North American Treaty Organization (NATO), which we are treaty-bound to protect its member countries (not necessarily in a military fashion).  Technically, the Ukraine isn’t even a US ALLY!  Yet, to date, we have committed over $100B in cash and military hardware to them, and our representatives pledge to continue to do so ‘whatever it takes’!  The US has no military bases in Ukraine.  We have no strategic assets there, except as a proxy enemy of invading Russia.  Our Treasury Secretary recently visited Ukraine bearing $1.2B, with a promise of up to $10B more cash!  Call me crazy, but I’m old enough to remember that spending that level of tax dollars used to require Congress passing a law, along with a Presidential signature!  Did I miss something passed in the middle of the night?  If our Treasury Secretary (appointed, not elected) can control BILLIONS of dollars, why do we have a Congress at all?  In any case, the President of Ukraine is making further noise, saying that American soldiers will be REQUIRED in this conflict, at some point!  Wow.  Remember:  Congress has not voted upon, nor passed a declaration of war against Russia—which would be necessary for the US to send the first US soldier of any kind.  We have Congressional members from both parties stating that ‘whatever it takes’ mantra—up to and including ‘regime change’ in Russia.  Exactly when did the US get the power to demand ‘regime change’ anywhere in the world?  Is North Korea next?  China?  Iran?  Just like the illegal immigrants mentioned above, not one Ukrainian citizen can cast a single vote in US elections.  So, exactly whose constituents are these people?

Note that every tax dollar spent on illegal immigrant crime, education, etc., and every tax dollar spent on the Ukraine is a tax dollar (borrowed) that could be spent well here at home.  Oddly enough, the US has its own share of unsolved problems.  Heck, just the last committed funds to the Ukraine ($10B) is exactly DOUBLE the projected cost of a feasible Southern Border Wall. 

But our politicians, those we elected to represent us, have zero interest in making life better for US citizens.  The priorities are quite clear:  Ukraine, illegal immigrants, and somewhere WAY down the list, US citizens.  The US taxpayer is nothing but a funding mechanism—and since our taxes are not enough (cough, cough), the Federal government will borrow whatever it needs, passing those costs on to future generations, as well as feed the inflation monster we have already.  So, who represents US?  I’m gonna go with:  NO ONE.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!  Feel free to add comments (good or bad) in the box below.  In addition, there is a link at the bottom of the article to view other items I’ve written at Global Liberty Media.  Enjoy!


  1. I want to address some serious misunderstandings I see from many people (even in this group). When people see the headline that the US government is sending a billion dollars to Ukraine in the form of military aid, they are correct to question whether money should be better spent here at home than on another war in Europe. The part where many get wrong is what that aid is really worth. According to DoD accounting, each M113 armored personnel carrier is worth anywhere from $300K to $450K depending on upgrades and packages and so sending just one M113 vehicle to the Ukraine would be reported at book value. For those of us served, we know that the M113 is completely worthless on the modern battlefield and the US Army stopped using the M113 decades ago and they have been sitting in storage. The Bradley Fighting Vehicle which came after the M113 is also considered obsolete now and is no longer in regular Army service has a book value of $4.4M each. We are sending lots of Bradleys to Ukraine. Even the Stryker Mobile Gun System or M1128 which replaced the Bradley is being dropped by the US military and those have a book value of $5 million dollars apiece even though US doctrine has decided it will not be used in the future. For the most part, none of the obsolete gear will likely ever be used again by American soldiers.
    To be clear, there are current inventory items such as the HIMARS rockets and such that is being sent to Ukraine that represents a real cost to the US taxpayers because more has to be produced to replace the ones we sent. However, don’t get confused and lost by all the book values being reported on mothballed and obsolete equipment we are sending to Ukraine.
    However, when compared to US government spending millions on programs for transvestites to read to schoolchildren and sex change operations for prisoners versus sending weapons to a people who are fighting and dying for their right to exist as a free people, I will happily send the Ukrainians as much guns and bombs as we can rather than the trillions spent on government fraud in the current budget. Talk about corruption, look no further than the US government.

    • I completely agree with the second half of your comment–our ability to burn tax dollars appears to be unlimited. However, a point about the first half: regardless of the accounting method used (FIFO, LIFO, already depreciated assets, etc.), the focus of this writing is that ANY spending to Ukraine is extraneous to the people that voted our reps in–the citizens of the US. And a large chunk of that spend is in pure cash, apparently to ‘sustain their economy’. Good thing we have all of our problems solved domestically, so we’re free to fix Europe’s issues.