2020 Profile: Candidate Joe Biden


With the Ukraine scandal fresh in the mainstream news media (aka MSM), Joe is accusing President Trump of turning to the Ukrainians to dig up political dirt on him while Trump is responding saying that the fact that Joe’s son got rich from Ukrainian interests is worth investigating. It remains to be seen what becomes of this in the run-up to the 2020 election.

Short Background

Joe Biden (born November 20, 1942) is the 77 year-old former US Vice President under President Obama and a leading contender for the nomination of the Democratic Party as their candidate for the 2020 Presidential election. He was one of the longest serving Senators prior to his tenure as the Vice President and, prior to announcing his candidacy for the 2020 elections, he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania where he was the Benjamin Franklin Professor of Presidential Practice.

Joe was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, before moving as a child with his family to Delaware. He became a lawyer in 1969 and was elected to the New CastleCounty Council in 1970. He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972, when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Biden was re-elected six times and was the fourth most senior senator when he resigned to assume the vice presidency in 2009. Biden was a long-time member and former chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

Though Joe is a politician and a lawyer, he was known as one of the poorest US Senator who famously shared a run-down crash-pad apartment in DC with two other Senators. However, his fortunes turned later in his political career with his position as VP and afterwards, he picked up a multi-million dollar teaching position and has been doing quite well financially.

As of the end of the third series of Democratic Party candidate debates, Joe Biden appears to have the support of the Democratic National Committee organization and the media. Several media outlet polls have him beating Donald Trump should the election occur now. Joe is seen as more moderate politically and thus palatable candidate with middle America which overwhelmingly voted for Trump. The majority of the other Democratic Party candidates are openly far-left in their views favoring big government spending, raising taxes, and government intervention and activism on social and cultural issues.


Joe served under President Obama as the Vice President and by all accounts kept to the script of his role and stayed in the background. For that, Obama gave him a Presidential Medal of Freedom as a reward. The cornerstone of his 2020 campaign is his relationship to the Obama’s and his desire to carry on the Obama administration’s “legacy”, whatever that may be as most all Obama era executive orders has been overturned and reversed by Trump.

What Joe does have apparently, is the support of the DNC political machine and the Mainstream Media (MSM) outlets who sees him as a moderate candidate who can win against Trump as the rest of the Democratic field of candidates are on the extremes of politics.


Many on the radical left of the Democratic Party do not like Joe because he is nowhere radical enough for their tastes. Joe positions himself as a centrist candidate though he doesn’t have any specific centrist proposals nor does trying to revive the Obama legacy give him any position to stand on as a centrist. Obama certainly was not a centrist. Joe seems to talk and vote out of both sides of his mouth. His voting record shows he will vote both sides of the same issue at the same time. He talks down big corporations and supports social justice causes but is more than happy to vote for more federal money to the prison systems and support corporations in the name of creating more jobs.

There are times when Joe Biden’s mouth is clearly not connected to his brain. In his past campaigns for POTUS, he has made a number public statements that torpedoed his own candidacy while he was a front-runner. Even the left labeled him “Crazy Joe” for his seemingly lack of understanding of his own words an actions. Ever lacking self-perspective, Joe Biden is renown for his inappropriate hair-sniffing, and unwanted back-hugging of various women and young girls during political functions to which he has recently apologized.

America under Biden

Should Joe be elected as POTUS, we can expect bigger government and more taxes. Joe supports the climate change ideology and we can expect increasing regulations in fashion with the Europeans. In trying to recapture the Obama legacy, Joe would likely allow for open-borders and the Deep State to become even deeper.