Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me! Woe!

Scared Man

The old HEE HAW song said it straight about certain folks: If it weren’t for bad luck, they’d have no luck at all — at least to hear them tell it. Frankly, I’m sick and tired of seeing people woeing all over the place about everything as if they have no other option except to whine and be good little proletariat victims.

Makes me so mad I want to cuss in print: %*#&. There. I feel some better. Maybe now I can think straight and lay out my arguments against such an attitude of woe.

Their favorite thing to say about situations is: Nothing can be done about it, so why try to fight it? To them I say: There’s more than one way to skin a cat. Well, what I’d actually like to say is: Stop whining and grow a pair. But I won’t. I’m going to mind my manners and simply share some thoughts.

The whole of human history has been nothing but one challenge after another in governing. From marauding bands to conquering armies to local officials to the family unit, with few exceptions codes of conduct were whatever anybody wanted them to be and there was no recourse under a unified law.

Be it village or kingdom, might literally made right. Sometimes things worked well, and sometimes not. In any case, every person had to figure out how to get along under whatever code they found themselves.

Moaning and groaning and whining have always been the easiest and most favored go-to tactics when faced with challenges. So for those reading this who love to sing a version of the above referenced song: You are not alone in choosing methods one through three.

The Four Ways to Meet Challenges

The four ways to meet challenges are simple. The three most favored are: Nurse it, Curse it, and Rehearse it — otherwise known as Moan, Groan, and Whine.

These methods never improve any situation, but it sure feels good to abdicate responsibility by declaring self a powerless victim. There isn’t one person on Earth who has not deployed the first three methods at some time or the other. But to make those three methods as the sum total of response to all challenges is irresponsible. Only the weak-willed and immature do that.

Evil people take advantage of the lazy, weak-willed, and immature by fanning the flames of victimhood. We’ve watched this on our televisions these past two years as Communist rabble-rousers fanned the flames of Moan, Groan, and Whine. From the highest seats of our government to ANTIFA to Black Lives Matter and other unnamed but active radicals, they pushed the weak-willed and immature to actions that felt good but did not better their own lives or the lives of those around them nor solve any problem.

Those actions were nothing more than temper tantrums of destruction and murder. Like angry children they destroyed their own communities. Like animals they shat in their own nests. In all cases, after the tantrum they still moan, groan, and whine just like the Evil people manipulating want them to do.

However, there is a fourth method to meeting challenges and is the most difficult. One can:

Reverse it.

How does one do that? One must identify the real problem and its actual cause. Only then can one form a plan of action.

For George Washington et al., that meant forming a new government and leaving the old government behind when they delivered to the bad ruler of England a document entitled Declaration of Independence wherein they stated the reasons the thirteen united States of America would no longer acquiesce to bad rule. They pledged “Lives, our fortunes and our sacred Honor” to the concept of freedom and fought the British for the right to govern themselves free of tyranny.

This new nation was “conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

Then came the Constitution wherein “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United State of America.”

Unlike the Moan, Groan, and Whine methodology, to Reverse a situation one must sweat and toil and have an unflinching and focused dedication to a greater good.

Just as Rome long stabilized the ancient world, the United States of America has kept this world steady. The old saying is true: The United States of America is the worst form of government in the history of mankind — except for all the others.

Moan, Groan, and Whine

Enemies foreign and domestic, communists and all other forms of dictators, and the well-financed, lying, cheating duped leaders of BLM, KKK, ANTIFA, and other rabble-rousers, only want to destroy that which protects the rights of the majority. They depend upon the lazy, weak-willed, and immature to do their dirty work for them.

This is not new strategy we’re seeing. The original rabble rouser, Satan, has used innuendo and lies from his rebellion against God in heaven to the Garden of Eden and all the way down to us today. Moaning, groaning, and whining gives Satan safe haven to operate.

Do we really want to support Satan?


So Reverse it we shall do.

What can you do?

Stand up for that which is good.

Stand up against that which weakens high standards, destroys families, and misuses law.

Every little bit of effort in this regard serves only to strengthen the foundations upon which law and order and peace and safety are built. Be a force multiplier of that which is strong for good.

As you watch and read and hear news sources, you’re probably wondering: When did certain people lose their ever-loving minds?

They’ve always been irrational, but until Trump so publicly pointed it out, they were getting away with all their sneaky nutjob junk. Then with other bold rabble-rousing moves by like-minded nutjob friends, they got bolder, no longer feeling the need to hide what they were doing or their motives for doing it. You can read more about that here.

You want to know why the Communists et al. in this country are pulling out all the stops against Trump and those who support him? It’s because they are cornered and, folks, rats fight hardest when cornered.

Look, it’s easy to identify foreign enemies. But now it’s very easy to identify domestic enemies. I would say let’s name a few, but you see many of them on the news all the time as they spin, spin, spin and sing, sing, sing their flat-out lies. Those are on the national stage.

And you know what? With the 2020 election tragedy of falsified elections results being proven in county after county and state after state, regular folks — who, from their own mouths, said they could no longer stand by and watch Evil prevail — are jumping in and standing up against the Evil in their own communities.

Yes, these are the next generation of the likes of Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn, Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward Junior, Thomas Lynch Junior, Arthur Middleton, Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson Junior, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Sith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross, Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas M’Kean, William Floyd, Phillip Livingston, Frans. Lewis, Lewis Morris, Richard Stockton, Jno. Witherspoon, Fras. Hopkinson, John Hart, Abra. Clark, Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry, Step. Hopkins, William Ellery, Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott, Matthew Thornton, and John Hancock.   

Who are these 56 people? They are the signers of the Declaration of Independence that formed a nation that Almighty God has allowed to exist to keep this world stable until His appointed time when His kingdom by Christ will solve all mankind’s problems forever.

With your help (reverse it) or without it (nurse/moan, curse/groan, and rehearse/whine), God’s prophecies will be fulfilled, His purpose will be attained, and Satan and his followers, dupes, and useful idiots will be gone. The question is:

Which side of history will you be on?

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Born and raised in Georgia, Angela K. Durden is an author, publisher, editor, songwriter, performer, and more, living in the Metro Atlanta, Georgia, area. Support your Citizen Journalist by visiting her Consolidated Author Page and buying a book or three.   See more about Angela here. Want to watch a fun video?  Click here.