“Miss me yet?”


Since his accounts were shut down, Trump has been conspicuous by his absence, except…

Trump hasn’t been absent.

Now, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of social media users around the world have amplified his messaging because, after all, he was simply speaking their words. These people are now sharing brilliant, funny, and spot-on memes, and excellent Citizen Journalism is growing.

One meme I like is Trump smiling and saying, “Miss me yet?” That meme is not meant for those who understood he was speaking for them. No. It is meant for those whose eyes are beginning to open. Who are starting fully to see the uninterrupted flow of senseless, irrational, absurd agendas of radicals.

By silencing voices of the compos mentis, Twitter, FB, and the Legacy Media are doing everyone a mighty big favor. You see, they are allowing Evil to have more uninterrupted facetime with the public. There are plenty of Democrats who are regular folk but who haven’t been able to understand.

Why they can’t understand will vary. Some do not understand intrigue. Some believe Evil is a myth. Some are so innocent they believe whatever they read on the chyron scroll or hear from humorless and sober talking heads. But as the legacy media doubles down — you’ll see an example of that below — eyes are opening.

“Orange Man Bad”, these are discovering, was a mighty silly reason to throw their support the other way, and are now saying on their social media feeds. Oopsey, my bad doesn’t cover the harm they’ve done, but hopefully these people, most of whom are decent and law-abiding, will stay awake.

But it wasn’t all their fault. Now The League of Evil Aristocrats, who shortsightedly sell their souls and use evil machinations to destroy anything that is good to push agendas of their godless paymasters, is earning its keep. Those selling the panic are in what many had thought of as the most-respected halls of the government. President. Vice President. FBI. CIA. Courts. Congress. Law Enforcement. Even local politicians. This broad web did not happen by accident.

Sure, we thought, they weren’t perfect. And yes, there was a traitor here and there. Of course, it’s a given some of those elected are just stupid. But the Constitution is rock solid. Nothing will happen to us. But come to find out the rot was deeper and wider than anyone knew. And who did we have telling us? Why, they themselves, that’s who.

Or did you miss the Time article “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” wherein the helpful writers completely laid out the entire shadow conspiracy to make the election undemocratic and obstructed instead of free and open?

Yes, for all to see if they but will, the writers of the article — with the full blessing of those involved — laid out the tactics, strategies, procedures, people, organizations, money trail, and all the indispensable schemes to subvert free and open elections. And they named names, double-checked for accuracy, I bet.

From the moment Donald Trump announced his candidacy until he shocked all the swamp dwellers and won the 2016 election, there has been nothing but intrigue, manipulation, illegal actions, intimidation, and more from these bottom feeders to make sure Trump did not win in 2020 no matter what.

Worse, these Time writers proceeded to anoint the Shadow Campaign — their name for it — as holy and, in effect, ordered citizens to genuflect before their altar and thank them lest they send the citizens on their way down the road to perdition…for their own good, of course.

Traitors bow and their followers kneel. We see who they bow and bend knee to: Evil. But what these people do not understand and never will is that leaders lead. They are clueless as to how many leaders are in this country and around the world.

Traitors and their followers have the idea a leader is someone who is feted in front of the masses, lionized in the press, praised in awards ceremonies, dine at their fave chi-chi eatery surrounded by their ilk, live on giant estates found at the very shores they tell others will soon be gone because an iceberg will melt, and jet around the world while chiding you for driving five miles to work in a gas-powered vehicle, all as they sell out the very people they claim they are helping.

Traitors and their followers wouldn’t know what serving is if it was hot and buttered and put on a platter smack-dab in front of them.

Real leaders do not need lionizing.
Real leaders do not need an audience bellowing approval.
Real leaders just do what needs to be done for the betterment of those they serve.

But because real leaders don’t make a lot of noise, traitors and followers believe those little people are powerless.

How wrong they are.

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