Conservatives Play Nice, Liberals Don’t Play


Conservatives Play Nice, Liberals Don’t Play

If you are surprised by the insane, anti-American actions of the Democrat party after they won the Presidency, the House (barely), and the Senate (with a VP Harris tiebreaking vote), you simply have not been paying attention.  For the same exact reason, the last time the GOP (nominally Conservative, but only by comparison) had this advantage, you didn’t see that reaction—there was no avalanche of Conservative legislation pushed thru into law because they could.  I think I understand both dynamics.  Let’s dig.

When Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential Election, fairly or unfairly (opinions vary), it was one of two remaining hurdles to a Liberal monopoly on the Federal control of legislature.  When both of the Georgia Senate run-off elections went to the Democrat candidates, fairly or unfairly (opinions vary), the last domino fell.  Because of the aforementioned VP tiebreaker of the now 50-50 Senate, there was no dissenting voice regarding the Legislative Branch.  If the Democrats want something, no matter how crazy or outrageous it is, they now can pass it.  Barring GOP filibuster in the Senate, any simple majority issue will pass there, on a 51-50 vote, awaiting our Executive Order-pumping machine, President Biden’s signature.  Ta-da—it becomes law!  We have already seen that relying on the Supreme Court is a crap-shoot, at best. You will hear rumors of ‘moderate’ Democrat votes, but that is mostly just bargaining position for getting their ‘yes’ vote (I’m looking at you, Joe Manchin, D-WV).  All of the anti-gun, pro-abortion, Climate Change, transgender, silencing of opposition views, Liberal wish-list is either already implemented via EO Joe, or will pass the Legislature shortly.  Radical, crazy, not-supported-by-majority-of-voters stuff?  Simply does not matter—Democrats play to WIN, baby.  That is exactly how they passed Obamacare as a budget-resolution issue, only requiring a simple majority in the Senate.  Forget that, as a HUGE money and tax bill, it SHOULD have originated in the House of Representatives.  Forget that budget resolution issues were intended to be just that—budget issues.  No, the Democrats saw an opening, and jumped straight thru it, with not ONE GOP vote in agreement in either house.  It is now law, although the Trump Administration killed some of its parts.  It remains to be seen if the Democrats will zombie those dead parts back to life.  But the point is:  they didn’t give a good damn about decorum, rules, ‘reaching across the aisle’, bi-partisan support, or any other nonsense they decry when any branch of the legislature is GOP-controlled.  THEY DID EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED, TO HELL WITH ANYONE ELSE.

Now flip the script.  When the GOP held the power that the Democrats now hold, what happened?  The GOP finally got a change in the Federal Tax Code, lowering the tax rates for virtually ALL taxpayers, lower incomes more than higher, and a significant reduction in the Corporate Tax Rate.  While that was a great piece of legislation that ushered in an economic boon like nothing in the last 50 years, it still came with the usual ‘tax breaks for the rich!’ admonishments from a complicit mainstream media.  But putting that aside, what else did the GOP pass?  Border Wall funding?  Nope, Trump had to divert Department of Defense funds to get that done.  Reduce the overall size of government?  Nope, Trump had to sign a multi-TRILLION dollar omnibus bill, with enough pork to start a pig farm, just to return military funding to a usable minimum.  Decrease the regulation quagmire?  Nope, Trump did that via Executive Order, no Congress necessary. 

If you see a trend here, you get it.  The GOP does not HAMMER thru legislation when they get control of things, not on any level, compared to the Democrats.  I think there are two reasons:  first, I don’t think the GOP is as Conservative as advertised.  There are too many ‘go along to get along’ GOP members, who campaign conservatively, but vote quite liberally.  Second, the GOP horizon is MUCH shorter than the Democrats.  The GOP think one vote, one session, one term at a time, as if they do not expect to hold office longer than that.  The Democrats play the LONG GAME, baby!  They have been plotting and planning for the above radical legislation for YEARS, if not DECADES, just waiting for the inevitable control of power to fall to them.  BOOM!  Done.

One other point, GOP.  You are loved by the mainstream media and the Democrats in ONE scenario only:  if you are bashing fellow GOP people or policies.  That’s it.  Return to the party platform, you’re back to Hitler.  There are too many examples to cite, but one is a great view:  John McCain.  The ‘maverick’ from Arizona, who crossed the aisle so often, he may as well caucus with the Democrats.  He was the darling of all of the Sunday morning talk shows!  He veered so far from GOP points, he authored or co-authored bills that were pure Liberalism.  Look up any law that begins ‘McCain-‘.  So the media and Democrats loved him—until he ran for President!  Instantly, he was back to Hitler!  But, proving the point, as soon as he cast the deciding vote to continue Obamacare, he was loved again!  The point being:  Democrats, and their media pals will love you, if you act and vote like a Democrat.  Period.  Anything else, you’re a despicable person and officeholder, and should be a pariah among ‘civilized’ folks.  This dynamic is completely unchanging, folks.  So, my advice to the GOP: do what is RIGHT.  You will be vilified anyway, but at least you did what you were elected to do.  And, if you don’t change your horizon to match that of the Liberals, you may be legislated completely out of existence.