The Devil’s Yard Sale


After writing How to Reason With a Liberal on this site, I heard from a lot of people who asked, “What’s the point of even trying to do that?” This is my reply.

One day, Ol’ Scratch himself had a yard sale. He had all manner of stuff for sale. There was avarice, vice, selfishness, a wide variety of hankerings, stupid laws, bad governments, disappointment, frustration, pride, anger, envy, lust, laziness, and more permutations of all those. At the end of the day, everything had sold except disappointment.

Someone asked, “Ol’ Scratch, why has disappointment not sold?”

Ol’ Scratch answered, “I priced it very high.”

“I can see that. The question is: Why?”

“Ah,” said Ol’ Scratch, “because I really don’t want to sell it. You see, it is my most valuable asset. When people are disappointed often enough, they get discouraged. When they get discouraged, all the fight goes out of them. Makes my job of taking over the world a whole easier.”

Here’s an example of the usefulness of dissappointment.

Spinning heads and surprises.

In a vote on a single article of impeachment — a charge of incitement of insurrection — Republican senators from Maine (Collins), Louisiana (Cassidy), Utah (Romney), Alaska (Murkowski), North Carolina (Burr), Nebraska (Sasse), and Pennsylvania (Toomey), joined with 50 Democrats to convict former President Donald Trump.

The vote fell short and Trump was acquitted after which was heard across the land great rejoicing and celebratory clinking of glasses in toasts of victory.

Gnashing of teeth, tearing of hair, and ripping of robes in anger and sorrow at defeat were also heard. But it is important to note that this group never loses focus on their end goal. Even as teeth gnash and hair tears and robes rip, their continued actions prove they learned nothing beneficial to mankind and still hate good peoples. With all their power, they continue seeking to destroy all freedoms at home and abroad.

Take one example: Mitch McConnell, a RINO if ever there was one. Votes to acquit Trump then immediately comes out swinging against him in a rant of “Orange Man Bad” that surely had heads spinning and surprised many.

But why the surprise? Does not memory make known that Mitch loves to play the game? And to suit his needs, hasn’t he repeatedly danced on the sharp razor’s edge between lawful and lawless in the sleezy Potomac Two-Step? Mitch isn’t the only one with a long history of seemingly inconsistent flip-flops.

So again I ask: Why is anyone surprised?

Especially since we know Evil never quits. To Evil, setbacks are merely another challenge to learn a sneakier approach to get where it wants to go. Evil isn’t picky and has no ethically moral compass. Evil always takes the easiest route, lies, deceives, prevaricates, accuses, and excuses — all in the same breath.

Some hoped that Mitch’s voting to acquit meant he’d seen the light of Good. That he’d changed his ways. That we can count on him to do the right thing in all instances from henceforth and thus we can relax our guards and get back to our lives because Mitch is holding the line for us against Evil.

To others, though, his voting to acquit brings them hope that he has an evil master plan up his evil sleeve. See? Hope is neither a positive nor a negative, but is simply a way of thinking about the future and what one believes one will get.

Do we let the feel-good nature of our hope block our ability to think strategically about Evil? Do we want peace so badly we fail to take a stand in what is always surely to be a gritty fight when Evil is involved? Are our natures that delicate?

But Evil’s modus operandi never changes. So, once again I ask: Why are you surprised? Is it because you believe Evil’s twisted messaging as if it were truth?

How many times have we heard that the reason Trump is such a bad man is because he’s crude and rude? Uncountable, that’s how many. Yet who’s been pushing that tale? Evil has, that’s who. Evil that does far worse and says you didn’t see what you saw, then insults you for being an idiot to think you should believe your own eyes and ears.

Who of you, upon hearing Orange Man Bad, felt the need to apologize on Trump’s behalf?


Is Trump crude and rude? Or, rather, does he not simply speak plainly like most real people do? Why do many allow 45’s greatest strength — plain, clear speaking about defending freedom, and unrelenting fighting of Evil — to weaken their spines? Evil is laughing up its sleeve at the willingness of good people to believe lies. Why do so many becoming unwilling to defend Good because it isn’t perfect?

At what point do some, expecting their chosen savior to be perfect, become so disappointed they lose hope in Good and begin believing that Orange Man was so bad they must stop resisting Evil?

How twisted is that? But, hey, Ol’ Scratch hisself has not sold his mostest mightiest weapon because it works. If you know that, why do you keep falling for the same old crap?

By the way, who told you this battle is only for Trump to fight?

It isn’t. Trump is merely an instrument deployed in the conflict between Good and Evil. He may be the drum major, but he isn’t the whole band. Trump cannot do it alone. But disappointment — the Devil’s greatest asset — makes many feel alone and they shrug their shoulders.

“BOHICA*!” is yelled by Evil. So, why do good little citizens of the New World Order do as they are told?

But why do some continue to resist tyranny? We do it to defend freedom, protect and defend, keep Evil at bay, and maintain a strong foundation upon which to live. We do it to glorify and honor God-given, inalienable rights.

With eyes open and clear, surprises expected and laughed at, disappointments anticipated and turned into advantages, we never let our guards down. Never ever. And why is that? Because we don’t buy from the Devil’s yard sale.

“…and all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

So, to all of you who asked “What’s the point in reasoning with a Liberal?”, I say this: Buck up. Stop whining and acting like the battle has been lost. Do something to build up. Get a spine, for goodness’ sake. The whole world is watching. And remember the old poem:

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

* BOHICA: Acronym for “bend over, here it comes again”.

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Born and raised in Georgia, Angela K. Durden is an author, publisher, editor, songwriter, performer, and more, living in the Metro Atlanta, Georgia, area. Support your Citizen Journalist and visit her Consolidated Author Page and buy a book. See more about Angela here. Want to watch a fun video? Click here for a fun video to lift your spirits.