Fresh To The Fight: Bring it on.


At some point, just about every child has called their parents tyrants when they were compelled to clean their room, do their homework, make their beds, and do their chores. When they scream “You’re nothing but a tyrant! This is child abuse!”, we laugh because in a few years our children will be hearing the same scream from their children. And thus the generations go on in quite the profitable fashion because what the child sees as abuse are merely reasonable and logical recommendations to having a decently ordered life and learning self control.

In this instance, even judges in family courts will tell you the parent is doing nothing illegal and is to be commended and, if they are willing to speak frankly, would also tell you they wish more parents would act like you. Their courts are crowded with weak parents unable to control their brats.   

But what would make a parent a true tyrant when compelling the child to do their homework and clean their room?

If that parent severely beat the child when they disobeyed. Now the child screaming “You’re nothing but a tyrant! This is child abuse!” is an accurate statement and, if screamed loud enough, a cry for help. If the child is killed because of non-compliance and can no longer make any statements, then the facts show the parent to be a tyrant and a prima facia case can be brought to a criminal court.

You have probably heard adults in all seriousness say, “Yes, but the parent that deprives their child of the things they like to do, such as going to the mall and hanging with friends, and are told they cannot go out until their chores and homework are done, well isn’t that compelling the child against their will and isn’t that child abuse? Where is the child’s freedom to choose their own life? That’s not fair.”

I’ve heard such from people who are surely old enough to be adults but obviously are still very much immature brats. When my children said that to me, my response was always the same, “I’m not saying you have to agree with my rules. I’m not saying you have to live this way when you become an adult and are living in your own space that you have bought and paid for. But as long as you are in my house and until you have graduated high school, got a job, and moved out…My House, My Rules.”

I’m not saying my children didn’t whine and call me a tyrant, because they did. But I didn’t back down and thus they hunkered down, did as they were told, learned a lot, and after having become adults, are happy I “compelled” them to do their chores and disciplined them if they did not. They clearly know I had their best interests at heart.

As you can see, not all instances of compelling are the same.

One case truly has the best interests at heart of all — family, community, and the world-at-large. The other claims best interests of all, but is purely motivated by selfish evil intent.

One who also compels as a loving parent will is Almighty God Himself. He has set certain basic laws in place for every living thing that none can ignore if they want to live. But at no time does He tell us that we must do these things. While the basic laws are built into DNA and thus compels us to act naturally to do these things without having to even think about it, if at anytime we decide not to do them, God Himself does not then punish us if we decide not to do them.

Three examples of things that benefit us when we do them.

They are: Breathing. Elimination of waste. Taking in fluids and solids that can be converted to energy.

Those who do not want to be compelled to live have taken their own lives by stopping the lifesaving act of breathing. They’ve done it by removing themselves from sources of oxygen by drowning, sealing a plastic bag around their head, hanging, and taking pills, among other inventive measures.

All of these are personal choices and everyone has the right to choose not to breathe.

Holding in waste matter poisons the body and not eating starves it of fuel. Again, your body, your choice to do with as you wish.

The things God compels us to do truly benefit us, but He does not stop us from choosing to harm ourselves because He has given us the right to self-determination, or to use the most current iteration of that thought: Bodily autonomy.

God recommends to breath and makes it easy for you to do it without having to think about it, but if you don’t want to, He respects your wishes.

Tyrants do not care if anything benefits you and they definitely do not respect you.

Tyrants believe they have greater power than God and compel others simply to benefit themselves. This is not a new method of ruling, but the situation with The Jab is pointing a bright white spotlight on who the tyrants are. Some we nodded our heads at and said, “I knew it.” We were shocked to discover others were tyrants because their carefully cultivated public persona hid a greater evil.

With great freedom comes great responsibility.

A man on social media said this about not complying with The Jab mandates: “I’m reminded of Ayn Rand resisting the anti-cigarette campaign, claiming they were using bad science to make their point by exposing rodents to human-size amounts of carcinogens, so she continued to smoke in defiance and ultimately died from lung cancer.”

He ends with this caring zinger: “Never a good idea to put yourself at harm to make a point.”

My reply to him was: “⁠David, but it was Ayn Rand’s right to put herself in harm’s way if she wanted to. And that is the point: Rights are what are under assault now. This whole resistance to mindless compliance has never been about vaccines per se. Many vaccines are very good.

“But this was quickly turned into the freedom to choose for one’s self what one will do with one’s own body. It is about slowing and maybe even stopping the march of Communism and Authoritarianism across a land founded on the very notion of freedom. It is about not turning neighbor’s into fearful snitches for the government.

“And yes sir, sometimes one must put one’s self in harm’s way to make a point. Do you not understand that Evil must be met with force?”

We may not like the choices made by others, but we defend their right to make them.

Those who want to live with great freedom have the responsibility to speak up in defense for those rights in their personal lives, and when and where they can on the larger stages of home, community, state, nation, and the world.

Contrary to what a lot of people think, I am not political. I do not write about political matters and actors because I am supporting that system. After all, politicians and tyrants come and go. They end up “eating their own” and being destroyed by

But I will speak in defense of freedom and those who are working to defend it too so that we can worship where we please and speak up when needs must. I will speak in defense of common sense and logic and those who do the same. And I will always look to my Heavenly Father for guidance in how to do all of that. If Almighty God Himself does not mind being questioned, then why is it many humans mind it so much?

Couple of reasons. One is the seeking of power for power’s sake. And closely aligned with that is the ego of being the smart one in a crowd. Someone said in a post, “If there’s anything we’ve learned during 2020 and 2021, it’s that many professionals don’t know anything about their professions. They’re just doing what they are told to do without question.” We have been shown a disgusting surfeit of overeducated idiots.

So we ask Biden and his — ahem — team: Why do you mind being questioned? Why do you secretly roll out in the dark of night new bills no one has ever seen? Why are you pushing one-size fits all solutions? Why are your solutions so clearly bad that you must now threaten millions upon millions of people with sanctions, fines, jail, and other punishments?

Because you, sir, do not love freedom.

Creepy Uncle Joe, some may say you wouldn’t know what real freedom is if it bit you on your rosy-red cheeks. I disagree. You know exactly what freedom is, which is why:

  • you oppose freedom so mightily
  • you sow conflict to limit freedom
  • you have always lied out of that flapping pie hole to deny it
  • you surround yourself with people who do the same thing
  • you deploy tyrannical totalitarian tactics

Well, sir. We who do not want to be compelled at the pew-pew end of a pew-pew stick are a force to be reckoned with.

And you and your — ahem — team know it, otherwise you wouldn’t be making threats and doubling down on. You can already see the end of your reign of terror because it is close at hand.

Wolves may never lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. But do not be mistaken: Not everyone you see is a sheep…and we do not take our responsibility to God-given freedoms lightly. Hey, Joe? You might want to listen to this song that I wrote to understand where we stand. Hope you like Rock ‘n Roll. The chorus says:

Not afraid to call ourselves rebel

We don’t whine

We pay our own way

Work when the sun don’t shine

Don’t ask for nothing

We speak up against the man

We do what we can

Not afraid to stand up

For what we know is right

Every day they bring it on

We’re fresh to the fight

We won’t be pushed

You better not preach

Yeah, we stand proud

Yeah, we’re loud.

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Born and raised in Georgia, Angela K. Durden is an author, publisher, editor, songwriter, performer, and more, living in the Metro Atlanta, Georgia, area. Support your Citizen Journalist and visit her Consolidated Author Page and buy a book. See more about Angela here. Want to watch a fun video? Click here.