An Open Letter to the Socialist Left


    I’ve always believed that helping others is a good thing and that people who give their time, money, and resources to help the less fortunate are good people. If I saw a stranger on the street who got injured or is in need of emergency assistance, I would step in to help. However, what I see in the Socialist Left is not a desire to help others out of altruism but a cynical ploy to wrap a cloak of virtue around their personal agendas and to push their personal world views.

    The taxes the government collects is the treasure of the American people. It is money earned through work, innovation, and sweat of the citizens collected up by the government with the purpose of serving those same Americans who contributed to it. It is money meant to take care of us in our old age, to protect our borders, provide physical and financial security, and to save for a rainy day. It is NOT meant to give public servants lucrative life-long careers, luxurious perks, or for buying votes and influence.

    The Socialist Left who desire to take the treasure of the American people and give it to foreign governments, political causes, and non-Americans to further their own political agendas are nothing but thieves and bank robbers of the worst kind. Robbers take your money and give it to themselves. They also give that money to others because it was not their money to begin with and it helps to make them feel like they are virtuous. However, that is not virtue, it is just plain criminal theft to take money not belonging to you whether with a gun or with a vote. The story of Robin Hood described Robin as virtuous because he took money from the greedy government and gave it back to those to whom the money belonged in the first place.

    Inviting illegal immigrants into America to share in the wealth of our country and our society is fine if you personally put up your own money to feed, house, and educate them. Not a dime of the American treasury should be spent on non-Americans. Illegals who come here in order to partake in the American treasury are nothing but thieves seeking to benefit. Those who support them doing so are criminal accessories.  Charity begins at home and there are millions of Americans who live in poverty.  We need to take care of the real American citizens first and foremost.

    If it is truly in your heart to help others less fortunate, then you must do so with your own personal treasure. If you want to take from Americans who worked for their money to give to illegals using the force of government through votes, that is criminal theft. If you really want to virtue signal then do so by donating your own time, effort, and money after which you are justified to scream about your own virtuousity from the mountain tops.