Is it okay for politicians to subvert the vote of the people?
Prime Minister Theresa May and the statists in the British government hate the Brexit and will do anything possible to subvert intent of the vote. They cannot reject the Brexit results outright for it will show their hand and hold them accountable. Instead, they are trying to nullify the vote through political mechanisms. Deep down, the statists and their ilk wants to stay a part of the EU despite the decision of the majority of UK voters who voted for Brexit. For the pro-Europe, pro-EU camp they see the EU as the future that holds the most promise. One homogenized financial, economic, and political zone to compete with the other strong economies of the world such as the US and China. They believe there is strength in a homogenized Europe and the benefits outweigh any local objections. Prior to the vote, the government paraded pundits and economists in front the public pushing for a pro-EU vote while the media predicted a pro-EU landslide.
On the other side, the pro-Brexit camp wants their country, culture, and their sovereignty back under the control of British citizens. Even though previously the UK had negotiated keeping the Pound as the national currency, it was always the clear intent of the politicians to move even closer to Europe over time. What the citizens saw was EU laws and regulations encroaching and taking precedence over existing UK and local laws, loss of control over immigration and UK borders, loss of exclusivity to their own fisheries in UK territorial waters, and enforcement of EU business and agricultural practices overruling longstanding British practices. They believe in the keeping the things that made Britain what it is, even if that means a less efficient economy. When the Brexit vote was initiated, no one in the government at that time thought that people would actually vote against the EU.
What has happened since the Brexit vote is the PM May, her government and the media is doing everything they can to overturn the vote of the people. This mainly stems from their belief that a few bad actors convinced the majority of Britons to vote against their self interest. The people didn’t know what they were doing and if they only knew all the facts, they wouldn’t have voted the way they did (or at least that is what they believe). Since this is their view, their strategy to overturn the vote is plain to see. Firstly, delay the actual Brexit for as long as possible because the longer it takes the more the people will come to their senses and they will then have the room to either reject Brexit outright or at the very least make so that the Brexit existed only on paper while keeping the UK within the EU system at a practical level. Secondly, the state controlled BBC media has a big part in running stories and molding public opinion against Brexit while the delays continue.
The evidence of this strategy if plain to see. Multiple “roadmaps” leaked over the past two years, each successively more pro-EU with each new version. Just this week, on the eve of another detailed roadmap release, several pro-Brexit members of PM May’s government resigned in protest of the continuing move back towards the EU. Of course the press downplayed the resignations and the May government touts its latest plan as being faithful to the will of the people.
Reading between the lines based upon what is not being said by the press or the government, the majority of the people still want to break from the EU and return to British home rule and the efforts to stall and drag out the process while changing the minds of the voters may not be working as hoped. It remains to be seen whether or not PM May will be able to keep her job over the long run but anytime a government thinks it knows better than the people or can influence public opinion contrary to the will of the voters, will likely not be around for long.