29.5 F
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Evil TV: Christianity in Modern Entertainment

I'm a fan of the CBS series, Blue Bloods. The show has been a steady presence since 2010. If you're not familiar,...

Profit-Motive is fueling a gender-dysphoria epidemic

Planned Parenthood has a strong profit-motive to use our public schools to promote gender-dysphoria. Politicians have tremendous political capital to gain by engaging the "social engineering" project that every "victim-class" invites. The incentives of the profit-seeker and of the power-seeker are powerfully aligned in the active promotion of gender dysphoria.

Science, ‘Murica Style!

A friend of mine mentioned the Scientific Method today, in a Facebook post, regarding the political left and right, and supplied the...

Hard Cases Make Bad Law: Must There be a Law for Everything?

H By Michael McCarthy Author of the Libertarian / Free Market thrillers The Noah Option...

The Pareto Problem

Jordan Peterson teaches that all production occurs in a Pareto distribution, in which half of the output for a given group is...

Open Letter to Gun-Grabbing Officials

A Facebook friend posted a letter she wrote to her Congress person, questioning her Congress person's stance on the Second Amendment (this...

The thing about ‘College-Gate’

The thing about 'College-gate' is we all knew that this was happening at the highest levels for a very long time....

“Free” Stuff? But where does ‘stuff’ come from?

by Michael McCarthy, author of the Libertarian Thrillers ...

Never Grow Up! Socialism as Adult Temper Tantrum

by Michael McCarthy, author of Libertarian thrillers The Noah Option and The Rainbow Option When you are...

GLM Do Not Buy List – 2019

We the people, know not to pay attention to the fake news media pushing their biased political agendas. However, are we...