35.8 F
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Beyond the War on Words: The End of the Beginning

I've written a series of articles collectively called 'The War on Words,' in which I outline how the political left uses the...

“Squirrel!”: The Art of Misdirection and the Sustained Assault on Reason

When the illusionist is pointing at an object the pretty girl is posing with, then it is up to us to ask what his other hand is doing. "Camp high, face the open, and always fight downhill.

What if we forget what freedom feels like?

The United States of America, at 245 years old this July 4th, is mere baby compared to many of the European or...

Unforeseen Impacts and the Two Income Household

Many things have impacted our lives, as a society, as a culture, and as a nation.  Many were planned, but many were...

No more Xiàtiān de nánhái? (Boys of Summer)*

Has China bought a controlling interest in Major League Baseball?

Time To Do That Which We Are Accused

Are you a ‘normal, red-blooded American’?  Are you tired of having every single problem, real or imagined, in the country blamed on...

What is our Freedom trend line?

Over 200 years ago (245 this July 4th, to be exact), Revolutionary colonists declared separation from England, forming a new country.  After...

America’s Future Moral Failings

There are a number of historic moments I've often wondered about, where I thought true lessons about human existence were exposed. ...

“What can you do about the Bidenites next door?”

"Thanks to my neighbor's largesse, I probably will not need to #learntocode. And to prove just how committed to the Communist/Socialist way of thinking my neighbors are, just last week they allowed me to voluntarily rake leaves from their half of our mutually-shared yard and never even said thank you or offered to help."

The Social Contract

This article was originally written as a Facebook post. After having been shared, and then re-shared a couple years later, I...