Evil and the Devaluation of Life


I wrote this piece many months ago.  With the occurrence of recent events, particularly the ‘leaked’ upcoming Supreme Court memo that would effectively overturn Roe v Wade, I thought I’d restate this, with updates.  Many folks have written on the reality of the overturn of Roe v Wade:   it does not outlaw abortion, just returns the issue to the States, etc., so I won’t repeat those points here.  But I want to discuss the underlying fundamentals of this entire argument.  Let’s dig.

There are many definitions of ‘evil’, from time immemorial.  Philosophers used to delve into the topic frequently, as it is a true natural question regarding the nature of man itself.  Is man naturally good or evil?  Is evil a learned or inbred behavior?  Are groups or societies evil or good?  Webster’s dictionary defines evil as:

a : morally reprehensible : SINFUL, WICKED

an evil impulse

b : arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct

a person of evil reputation

I’d like to add a follow-up definition:  purposeful mistreatment or harm to others; failure to do something that would relieve pain and suffering for others, especially with malicious intent; inflicting pain to others for no other reason than spite or laziness.  In other words:  wanton disregard for pain towards others due to one’s actions or inactions.

I’d like to add a new category:  purposely killing a child. The abortion debate will never convince me that, past a certain point of viability, that the ‘fetus’ isn’t a ‘child’.  That ‘clump of cells’ will become nothing else but a child—not a rock, a plant, a tree, an anything.  And I reluctantly agree that early on in pregnancy, pre-viability, the fetus is not yet a child.  And terminating a pregnancy early on, especially VERY early on, is truly a matter between the expecting mother and her doctor.  The fetus could NOT exist separate from the mother.  An interesting point:  the point of viability is moving closer to conception than ever before, due to modern medicine.  Where second trimester live births used to be the rarest of rare, they are now just uncommon—and delivering preemies, especially twins, is rather everyday Obstetrics.  I’ve heard the argument that it’s the ‘mother’s body’.  But the mother doesn’t die, only the child does, so that completely invalidates that argument.  But getting my point back to this writing:  killing a child is EVIL.

Put another way:  when does the most innocent and powerless amongst us attain the rights and protections of society?  Until very recently, if an expectant mother was murdered, the assailant was charged with TWO murders:  mother and unborn child.  Now?  Some States are allowing post-birth, failed aborted babies to die!   I’m at a loss here.  Why was the decision to abort not decided upon as SOON as an unwanted pregnancy was discovered?  Why, if it is so far into gestation, is adopting the baby out not considered?  I’ve heard the argument of ‘the mother’s health’, yet I’ve seen many veteran OB/GYNs, one after another, post that there is NEVER a medical reason for a late-term abortion—maybe a distress DELIVERY, even an emergency cesarean section, but not abort.  The list of OB/GYNs to post that includes Dr. C. Everett Coop and Dr. Ben Carson. 

I think we are seeing yet another devaluation of life itself.  This is not a new idea, just new to the US.  We have always valued life more than most other countries.  It is just in the last few decades that life has become less important, either pre-birth, at birth, or at old-age.  Please note that I am not disparaging all individuals confronting these difficult decisions.  Some are truly making life-wrenching choices, with seemingly no good options available.  That abortion is the preferred and acceptable path, rather than giving the living child up for adoption, is an indication of society’s slide.  Where the entire thought process leaves the rails is when people so violently support their belief that abortion should be sacrosanct, they commit further acts of violence!  That the ability to literally end a viable child’s life is a BEDROCK issue just screams that we are losing our humanity.

EVIL, in my humble opinion.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!  Feel free to add comments (good or bad) in the box below.  In addition, there is a link at the bottom of the article to view other items I’ve written at Global Liberty Media.  Enjoy!