Sisyphus Redux: To Russia with Dumb


Most y’all know Sisyphus as the dude who was forced to repeatedly roll a big stone uphill. As a character of Greek mythology, as the king of Corinth; Sisyphus twice cheated death. The Greek god Zeus wasn’t diggin’ that good ol’ Sis had tricked the Zeuster, otherwise known as the God of Thunder. You don’t trick the God of Thunder. Neither Zeus, nor Gene Simmons. Because of his death cheating trickery, Sisyphus was damned to Hades as its resident rock & roller.

Did you hear the most recent rumor? The Russians hope to help Trump get elected in 2016.

Wait. I’m confused. 2016? Did I mean to say 2020? That’s right, it’s 2020 collusion. With all these Russian conspiracies, I start to get confused.

I mean, it’s only been six months since the 2016 Russian rumors were dispelled.

Still, within the last few days, all the newsy leftists were all aglow with visions of Putin dancing in their head.

MSNBC’s resident deep voiced broadcaster of doom, Lawrence O’Donnell intoned, “The president is a Russian operative. That sounds like the description of a bad Hollywood screenplay, but it is real…It is Vladimir Putin’s greatest achievement. Decades after America’s victory in the Cold War and collapse of the Soviet Union, the president of the United States is now helping the president of Russia help the president of the United States to get re-elected.”

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell

Just like Russia did during the last election.

Except of course, the Mueller Report found exactly the opposite. But, you know, don’t let actual facts get in the way when foolishness will suffice.

Not satisfied by simply labelling Trump a Russian operative, Larry O’ blathered on about the promotion of Richard Grenell to the role of acting Director of National Intelligence, “Donald Trump is operating in the White House in conjunction with Vladimir Putin to hide what Vladimir Putin is doing to help Donald Trump get re-elected. Donald Trump is a Russian operative — if tonight’s reporting by The Washington Post and The New York Times is true. And everything else we know about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin indicates that it is true.”

Everything else we know? What, Larry Berry, in your eyes is actually true about Trump? What actually is ‘everything we know’ about The Donald?

What is it that we know after tens of millions of dollars spent with a special investigation staff comprised of the so-called deep staters, many vocal Trump haters; was there Russian collusion?

Nyet, Sir.

So it goes in the echo chamber of leftist talking points. Obviously they all got the newest list of bullet points detailing Trump-Russian Collusion Volume II.

As with one of the greatest movie bombs in history, Ishtar (starring Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman), no sequel was made of this flop. When a movie bombs, you don’t make a sequel.

Trump-Russia Collusion: This Time It’s Real!!

Democrats never seem to learn from history. Maybe the left should stop trying to change history in text books. It’s less confusing that way, much less try to make ‘Russia: The Sequel’.

From MSNBC’s Scarborough to CNN’s Lemon, all these new collusion points were recited in an attempt to bring gravity to a rumor. To make the Trump-Russian sequel even more awesome than the original. More action! Better special affects!

CNN’s Don Lemon

There’s proof this time.

How do I know? CNN said so. A White House official shared with CNN regarding Trump’s briefing of the same intel, “Trump became irate in a meeting with outgoing acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire last week for allowing the information about Russia’s meddling efforts to be included in the briefing…”

The implication by this so-called ‘official’ is a CNN twofer: Because Trump is angry, he must both be guilty and unbalanced. CNN learned of Trump’s anger from an unsourced “White House official”. Unsourced. Which is pretty much always the case. Unsourced.

Remember during the Ukraine Impeachment; no one heard Trump say quid pro quo? His recorded words were ‘no quid pro quo’. For impeachment, secondhand information was cool. They all knew how Trump felt. No one on planet earth actually heard Trump say he wanted a quid-to-the-pro-quo. They just knew how he felt.

An angry Trump is a guilty Trump. Because, you know, ‘everything we know about Trump…’

It should be noted that two other White House sources said the ‘angered Trump’ story was not true. So, believe who you want.

This news of the latest Russian interference came from a briefing of the House Intel committee, which was then leaked. A leak from the Intel committee? Say it isn’t so…Adam Schiff…

What’s funny is that anyone thinks Russian meddling should be surprising. It’s what Russia does.

Absent a decent military or an economy of any value, disinformation is all Russia’s got. We should all assume Russia is meddling. Everywhere.


Because Russia actually does meddle everywhere. It’s what they do. Pizza Hut makes pizza and Russia meddles. It is the left’s deep seated desire to hitch the giddyup of Russian meddling to their favorite Russian operative, Donald Trump.

Due to the grave concern for election meddling, Bernie Sanders was also briefed. Upon being briefed, everyone’s favorite socialist told us, ‘It was not clear what role they’re going to play. We were told that Russia, maybe other countries, are going to get involved in this (Sanders) campaign…”

It may not seem evident to the Vermont senator why Russia is meddling with his campaign. Given the media’s ongoing story that the Kremlin favors Trump, it’s that the Kremlin believes that Bernie is a sure loser. I feel for Bernie. He doesn’t realize Russia sees him as weaksauce against Trump.

Naiveté has long been a specialty of Mr.and Mrs. Sanders. Said Bernie’s wife, Jane, of their 1980’s honeymoon in Moscow, “We were astounded with the openness, the optimism, the enthusiasm in the nation.” The optimistic nation being the Soviet Union.

Because when I think Russia, I think optimism……

These are words of ignorant fools. Much of this tripe now on the left passes as intelligence. The smartypants elite can’t quite square the circle that such a troglodyte as Trump can get the better of them.

They need an explanation. A conspiracy to make order within their misguided, narcissistic heads.

According to psychology professor, Karen Douglas (et al) in the 2019 study Understanding Conspiracy Theories, “Conspiracy theories appear to provide broad, internally consistent explanations that allow people to preserve beliefs in the face of uncertainty and contradiction.” Stating further, “People may also turn to conspiracy theories when their existential needs are threatened, as a way to compensate for those threatened needs. For example, people who lack agency and control may reclaim some sense of control by believing conspiracy theories because they offer the opportunity to reject official narratives and allow people to feel that they possess a better account.” (emphasis mine)

Trump threatens the existential needs of the left. More to the point, after decades of a docile and compliant Republican party, Trump is here to chew some bubble gum and kick ass and he’s all out of bubble gum.

Trump’s not here to get along with all the ‘in crowd’ of DC and be cool at dinner parties. He’s here to get things done. A rarity in DC.

It’s like when a new manager is hired to ‘clean things up’; Trump was hired by the electorate to do exactly that, clean things up. Ironically, clean up can be a messy thing for the genteel world of leftists and Never Trumpers. Cleaning up can’t be allowed.

A dullard such as Trump could not possibly be capable of singlehandedly flipping Washington DC from a wasteland of do-nothings to a place where the will of the voters is heard.

Lemon, O’Donnell and all the others in the pundit class must then prove that a foreboding force other than Trump is responsible for outwitting the left. It’s the big, dark scary force of Russia collusion. They must leap from one great theory to another in the great hopscotch of ill-conceived conspiracies.

It’s like all the James Bond movies of old. That evil Russia was at the center of it all! Maybe the left’s conspiracies are more like Austin Powers. Ya baby!

Yet, the conspiracy never proves to be true.

Like a child with clenched fists and tightly closed eyes trying, with sheer force of will, to will a trip to the ice cream shop, the leftists are hoping to will a Trump-crushing conspiracy. It’s only been a month since the last conspiracy cratered. Six months since the original Russian conspiracy came to a crashing close.

Alas, bound to hell are we with the left’s Sisyphian obsession with Russia. One more rock. One more hill. One more conspiracy that rolls back down crushing the Democrat’s Trump-impeachment fever dreams.