The Joe Rogan Effect: Oh, It’s On!


The Joe Rogan Effect is a mystery to many authors, so-called thought leaders, quite a few everyday people, many preachers, and sincere politicians. Who does understand it and views it as a threat? Dictators of every ilk.

A cute meme that makes its rounds occasionally features Stephen King encouraging kids — immature children, mind — not to worry about it when adults hold back certain reading materials. He is quoted as saying, “Run, don’t walk, to your nearest public library or store and read what they don’t want you to see.”

That opinion of King’s — sneak around behind your parents’ backs — is an all or nothing statement if I ever saw one and, as every all or nothing statement does, assumes two things. One: That all those holding back material are trying to deprive and thus, by extension, harm the child. And two: That all those providing material have others’ best interests at heart and thus, by extension, are being helpful.

What a big load of fly-attracting warm excrement dumped in your social media feed and other Legacy Media sources. If you fall for that type of reasoning then you as well as Stephen King do not know what is and cannot identify…


Number One above is most often adults protecting their children from Evil’s influence.

Number Two above is most often Evil, masquerading as Truth, grooming innocent minds to be easy targets.

Responsible adults know how sneaky Evil is and keep certain reading materials — and TV shows and movies and songs and friends and so forth — from their children until they are of an appropriate emotional age to process the messaging and have more experience on which to compare information and make better choices.


The Joe Rogan Effect, noun, sometimes adjective, occasionally verb:

1) willingness to ask questions when one is told they must accept all experts’ directives no matter what;

2) disposition to break down provided information and ask questions when one is told one cannot authenticate what experts say;

3) having a vigilant quality in spotting potential propaganda, also known as bull crap;

4) capacity for deconstructing information to basic elements;

5) aptitude and/or skill for explaining those basic elements to the population at-large.


TJRE came about when Joe Rogan —comedian, actor, MMA guy, husband, and father — started questioning supplied official wisdom, better known as mandates, sent forth by non-elected bureaucrats’ masquerading as law. This began long before cutely named The Jab became part of the world’s lexicon. After honing his capacity for deconstruction of fake laws on the comedy circuit, Rogan found a much larger and wider audience with his online show. In 2020 The Joe Rogan Experience podcast (which is not TJRE as we know that stands for The Joe Rogan Effect) was placed on Spotify and all was going along fine until he got too big for his britches.

When lockdowns began and The Jab, against all accurate scientific data, was pushed as the only solution to a manufactured virus, TJRE hit its stride. More everyday people listened to Rogan and learned from him how to question and deconstruct for themselves. These everyday people began doing their own research, talking to others, and sharing their questions and informed conclusions on social media and online publications thus spreading TJRE.


How dare this…this…this person question official supplied wisdom? Big Tech, with the help of complicit Legacy Media, began a campaign to ruin Rogan’s reputation. That should work because it shuts up everybody. Or so they thought. But when Rogan did not shut up and pushed back hard — as a champion MMA fighter knows how to do, Big Tech began a campaign to deplatform and demonetize him. That did not shut him up, either, and with a lot of work, his audience followed him to new platforms and grew even larger.


An “Open Letter to Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy” was published. If you have not read it but are in need of a good laugh and/or more practice in identifying whining propaganda from Pussy-hat Wearing Politically Correct Liberal Democrat RINO Socialist Fascist Commie Social Justice Warrior Do-Gooder Dictator Helpers In Training, then CLICK THIS LINK and have yourself some fun.

Then came Neil Young and Joni Mitchell to join their whining to this list of 260 experts — none of whom linked their name to any online source to prove who they were — in a campaign to pressure Spotify to shut Joe Rogan down now.

Shut down their most popular podcaster with a reported six-million-plus subscribers and thus their highest earner? Finally making some real money without using creative bookkeeping to avoid paying rights holders to music on their platform had to be making Spotify whistle past the graveyard. Spotify was in a pickle now.

Publicly Spotify pressured Rogan to apologize and promise never ever to sin against the powers that be ever again. So Rogan came out with a comment that many thought was the equivalent of “Can’t we all just get along?” Remember that? It’s what that famous riot starter Rodney King said to stop the violence he put in motion.

In point of fact, though, as reported on, Rogan said more specifically that he “would be open to changes to the show such as booking more mainstream experts after having controversial ones and doing more research on certain topics.”

I, who have read Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and own a copy of it, laughed out loud. I bet Rogan owns a copy, too, and knows what it says.


Rogan — a Classic Liberal, not a Conservative, but who cares? — will double down on sharing more information just like he promised. He will do more and deeper research on certain topics as well. He will invite more mainstream experts on the show and, I bet after the first one appears and gets his boohiney spanked until it is cherry red, no other officially approved mainstream expert will take up his sincere invite. TJRE will spread around the world and grow in strength.

Oh, Joe! Sneaky you! Love it. Keep the ground shaky, my friend.

Listen, Rogan knows that when they land a punch, that the time you land punches back harder and faster.

And that, boys and girls, is The Joe Rogan Effect.

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Born and raised in Georgia, Angela K. Durden is an author, publisher, editor, songwriter, performer, and more, living in the Metro Atlanta, Georgia, area. Support your Citizen Journalist by visiting her Consolidated Author Page and buying a book or three.   See more about Angela here. Want to watch a fun video?  Click here.