The USA is not the world’s caretaker… We offer a greater gift.


Prosperity doesn’t “belong to” the USA… it follows Liberty all over the globe.  So our role is not to share the limited thing that is our nation but to plant the seeds of economic liberty…a gift which yields the unlimited fruit of prosperity.

The suffering of people who’ve been subjugated and impoverished by corrupt, inept or criminal abuse of force cannot be relieved by relocating them because their suffering isn’t the result of their location. It can only be alleviated by ECONOMIC LIBERTY, a product of self-governance.

Rather than attempting to relocate the world’s “huddled masses” within our borders, our part in helping impoverished people is to LIVE, PROVE and TEACH the fundamental qualities of a society that PROMOTES progress, prosperity and human thriving.

Prosperity emerges when simple, interlocking foundations of natural human liberty are upheld:

  1. Economic Liberty – Protection of individual property rights
  2. Equality under Law – When people are equally protected against fraud, theft, coercion, force and invasion it becomes SAFE to engage one-another in CONSENTING exchange. This permits the specialization from which PROGRESS and PROSPERITY arise.

Wherever property rights are infringed by force of law, poverty increases. Where governments are authorized to engineer society according to class, caste, race or other categorical collectives, social unrest is inflamed. In both cases, the government’s role, jurisdiction and power increases while the civil society withers.

No wonder the Statists of the political Left seek to replace Equality under Law with protected classes and Economic Liberty with Gov’t “stewardship” and redistribution of wealth!

Just as the founders of our nation realized a right and a responsibility to establish a government which serves to defend natural rights, our generation has a responsibility to purge Statist corruption and abuse from our government if we hope to remain a free and prosperous nation.  We’ve got our hands full with that!

The political Left in America today presents vigorous opposition to liberty in all its forms.  Leftist ideologues had all but won exclusive control of the channels for public education and information until very recently.  With the power to frame the debate on every issue, they expertly convert envy, fear, sloth, lust and other human weaknesses into political power.

Leftists seek to erode support for border enforcement by impugning the motives of those who advocate border barriers, immigrant screening and border-enforcement.

The “caravan” of lawless mass-migrants seems custom-designed to precipitate a humanitarian crisis for which to blame America in order to depict America’s borders as the inhumane, cruel manifestation of America’s heartless greed.   The strategy employs guilt and the joy of virtue-signaling to win support for importing the world’s impoverished victims of subjugation rather than empowering them to establish liberty where they live.

Today’s victims of corrupt, inept or criminal use of force must rise up to demand liberty for themselves.  They are capable of self-governance as are all people.  Their suffering will persist until they exercise their natural right to self-governance.

Self-governance is a natural capacity possessed by all human beings willing to recognize natural rights (including personal property rights) as the purpose and measure of authentic justice. The quest for a better life must start by establishing liberty at “home,” wherever that may be.

The natural result of having organized a society on the principles of natural human Liberty is by now well proven;  prosperity, progress and human thriving.

The natural consequence of failing to self-govern has been just as clearly proven;  subjugation and impoverishment

The USA cannot offer to feed, house or even employ the poor of the world, of this continent or even of any other nation. The USA is not the world’s caretaker. We’re entrusted with a greater gift to offer; a beacon of hope and an example to follow.

Our noble calling is to awaken the liberty intrinsic to the nature of all people; to demonstrate the truth that wealth and progress are results of the consenting exchange made possible when the natural liberty of each person is defended by the rule of law.

Ours is a great cause!  And we accomplish it by living example.