What is the Liberal Endgame?


I have a fairly good grab on the Conservative mindset, as I am a staunch Conservative.  Even though it is very difficult to find public figures, much less politicians, that fit the True Conservative label, there have been a few (past and present):  Calvin Coolidge, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, William F. Buckley, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Ronald Reagan (to some extent), Rush Limbaugh, David Limbaugh, Bill Whittle, Evan Sayet, and Kurt Schlichter, come to mind.  But agreeing with people of my ideology is easy; trying to understand the ‘other side of the fence’ is quite a bit harder.  So, I’ll ask a few questions, as topics, and see where this goes.  I’d like feedback on each of these topics, and the Endgame:  when will enough be enough?  When will the goal be achieved?  Let’s dig.

Minority rights and equal protection under the law.  In times past in the US, several minority groups have had demonstrative and legitimate gripes against our government and society.  While it is tough to compare social constructs of the past vs current social thought, obvious wrongs existed, some even into the 1980s or 1990s:  Slavery of Blacks was legal until 1868, Jim Crow laws were legal until the 1960s.  Women obtained the right to vote in 1920, equal pay for equal work became law in 1963.  Discrimination against gays and lesbians became illegal in 1980, gay marriage became legal nationwide in 2015.  If all minorities can claim equal protection under the law (discrimination illegal), has the overall goal been met?  Are there existing laws on the books that are blatantly or implicitly anti-minority? 

Environmentalism and Climate Change.  Environmentalism has been addressed a myriad of ways since the mid-1960s.  Earth Day became a thing in 1970.  Oddly enough, back in 1970, the fear was for a coming Ice Age.  Here are some things we’ve done in the name of ‘saving the planet’ since 1970:

1.  We went to unleaded gas. To save the planet.

2.  We installed worthless plastic bumpers on cars, to increase gas mileage (forget the body counts from accidents). To save the planet.

3.  We stopped using those really helpful paper grocery sacks. To save the planet.

4.  We stopped using those plastic grocery bags in many places. To save the planet.

5.  We went away from those soft drink bottles (with deposit) that we used to turn in loosies for cash. To save the planet.

6.  We stopped using Freon in our A/C units. To save the planet.

7.  We recycled everything on the damned planet. To save the planet.

8.  We stopped using plastic bottles for our water on the run. To save the planet.

9.  We let them put shitty corn products in our gasoline. To save the planet.

10. We tried to go to nuclear power. To save the planet.

11. We went away from nuclear power. To save the planet.

12. We gave tax incentives out the ass to get people to buy electric cars (where the electricity comes from is a mystery). To save the planet.

13. We gave MORE tax incentives to companies to build ugly as Hell solar farms and windmills (including stripping those areas of forests and birds). To save the planet.

14. We used GMO technology to expand our food supply to feed the hungry world-wide. To save the planet.

15. We then bitched about GMO foods, even though they are in every way identical to other foods. To save the planet.

16. We stopped using CFCs in our spray products (hair spray, deodorant, etc.). To save the planet.

17. I’m sure I’ve missed a few things (straws in CA, etc.). To save the planet.

When the 17 topics above were introduced, they had a critical level of importance assigned to them.  We’ve done them all.  In hindsight, were they really not important, since the planet still needs saving?  Now, we have the Green New Deal proposal.  I have to call it a ‘proposal’, because it has zero chance of even becoming a ‘bill’, much less a ‘law’.  This takes environmentalism to 11:  blaming humans and their industry and travel methods as destructive to Earth (to a planetary extinction level), via Global Warming or Climate Change.  Are we really supposed to destroy our energy production methods, travel methods, and factory product creation methods (along with our entire economy)?  All for an as-yet-undiscovered technology that will replace our current methods?  This seems to move the goalposts completely off of the playing field, past the stands, and into a neighboring parking lot.  Another grim reality:  California wants everyone to drive electric vehicles, yet their power grid cannot handle the existing workload, much less that of millions more additional electric cars.  CA actually buys power from neighboring States, rather than produce their own, as their environmental protection edicts make building power plants locally almost impossible.  Where is the power to run those electric vehicles supposed to come from?

The 2nd Amendment.  Our Founding Fathers thought that the right to keep and bear arms was the second most important thing, topped only by freedom of speech.  While I wish the wording were a bit clearer, ‘shall not be infringed’ seems pretty definitive.  Yet many Liberals are convinced that some, if not most, citizens should be disarmed.  As a Conservative, I really have trouble understanding this.  Not a single proposal I’ve read or heard results in disarming criminals, only law-abiding folks.  Criminals are notorious for not following existing laws, so I have no idea what new laws will accomplish, except maybe make normal citizens defenseless.  “When seconds count, the police are minutes away!”  The current trends to defund and/or demoralize the police departments, coupled with early prison release of violent criminals, along with ‘no bail’ arrangements for current suspects and arrested individuals, INCREASES the need for armed personal protection.  At this point, police are so understaffed, they may as well just arrive to draw the chalk lines around deceased victims.

Size and Scope of the Federal Government.  This is a weird topic, because our trend for over 100 years has been an explosion of the size and impact of government in every facet of our lives, regardless of which political party holds sway.  The Federal Government now has laws regarding light bulbs and the amount of water that should be used when flushing a toilet.  Really.  Liberals see this as a good thing, somehow (all the while, fearing a tyrannical government). As an ideological Conservative, I contend that 90% of our existing Federal laws could be deleted off of the books, and almost no one would know the difference.  I align with the Libertarian view of Federal law:  LEAVE US ALONE!  If we are not harming others, our conduct for the most part should be legal.

The Future of the United States of America.  This is a tough item, because we can’t even agree on the founding of the country, much less the desired future of the US.  Conservatives believe that the US was founded by flawed but basically moral people, who desired a country run by the people, rather than a royalty or military class.  Yes, many of those founders owned slaves, but that shouldn’t negate the good and great things they accomplished.  After all, the incredible document they created, the US Constitution, built the framework to end slavery as an institution, at least for the US.  All it took was a Civil War, and 100 years later, a Civil Rights movement, to accomplish that goal.  But according to Progressives, the US was founded SPECIFICALLY upon the enslaving of Africans (and others).  They feel the US is and was nothing more than the product of exploiting other countries and cultures, not the least of which, the Native American Indians that were here when the Europeans arrived.  Per those Progressives, wealthy businessmen, especially White Males, dominate every field, using up folks less fortunate, and abusing anyone but themselves, self-enriching at the expense of the poor and downtrodden.  How the poor and downtrodden have the resources to buy the products and services of those wealthy businessmen has not yet been explained (other than health insurance, mandated by a Liberal government, nearly ALL spending in the US is voluntary). 

As the last few years have shown, there are many groups that want to destroy the US as it is, including its history and culture.  BLM, Antifa, and other Progressive groups, are quite clear in their desire to destroy, burn, riot, pillage, loot, and plunder their way thru American cities.  Usually set off by a police activity, such as a White police officer mistreating or even killing a Black suspect, or a judicial decision that they didn’t like, destruction of whatever area they occur seems to be their method.   And mob tactics are good for one thing only:  demolition of things already present, even destroying minority-owned businesses in the process.  They seem especially adept at pulling down statues of historical figures, even those that championed causes similar to their own!  We have yet to see a mob BUILD anything.

An interesting question:  even if such Progressive groups achieve their goal of destroying modern-day America, what is next?  They do not appear to have that game plan mapped out yet, except THEY will control everyone else.  I think.  Socialism, or even Anarchy, seems to be the end goal, but when has either of those systems yielded a positive result for the peoples they supposedly champion?  As the Summertime experiment of CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) in Seattle last year should have proven, these radicals have no idea how to produce anything!  Other than gifts of food and water by a sympathetic local government, the only means of asset acquisition was to shake-down existing businesses in their sequestered area.  They literally took over six square blocks of Seattle, but could accomplish literally nothing else.  Again, they had a plan to destroy and terrorize, but they had no plan for ‘after’.  The scary part:  those same systems seem to be the methods taught and preferred by our educational establishment, from K-12 thru college!  For a child subjected to that learning path of 13+ years, it is nearly miraculous if they come thru not hating Capitalism.  That those same teachers cannot point to a successful implementation of Socialism or Anarchy in human history seems to be irrelevant to them.  It will work better THIS TIME, with THEM running things.  Yeah.

All of these are BIG topics.  I hope to foster meaningful conversation and opinion exchange with these points, without calling each other ‘doodyheads’, ‘idiots’, or some such.  We shall see.


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