Who is Really being Impeached?


A dark day in our Constitution’s history.

The answer is that 63 million Americans and thirty states are. The U.S. Constitution and the Rule of Law are. Make no mistake, WE THE PEOPLE are being impeached. And we’re being impeached by Democratic leaders from only TWO STATES, New York and California. Let that resonate for a bit.

The Democrats have been calling for Trump’s impeachment since the day after he was elected. Think about that as well for a minute. How can you be talking about impeaching a President-Elect before he has even taken the office? These are dangerous times we live in. Whereby the U.S. Constitution is being bastardized to suit political objectives and hatred. It is like Stalin’s Beria, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime”. And for the Democrats, we, the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump and the thirty states of the Electoral College are accessories to the “crime” that he was elected. That we prevented their “natural successor” of Hillary Clinton to follow Obama and continue the Left’s “Transformation of America”. Many Democrats would not CERTIFY the election. Many even boycotted the Inaugural. That is the respect they showed for YOU, the American that voted for Trump.

As with corrupt prosecutors, like Beria with the Soviet Union, they “had their man” and they were going to frame him for a crime, but they didn’t know what crime. Ironic as things played out. Yet it occurred to them that the best crime to levy against him was the crime they had committed. Collusion with Russia and Ukraine. They had used the phony Steele Dossier, acquired by Hillary and the DNC, to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on candidate Trump and then President Elect Trump. They could not lose the election. Their candidate Hillary was pre-ordained by them to be President and they would not be denied it by 63 million Americans or the Constitutional Electoral College. So, it became Trump who colluded with Russia and cheated to win the Election that was rightfully theirs. So, for over two years at a cost of $40 million to taxpayers, and the assurance of such stalwarts like Schiff that they had ABSOLUTE proof of the collusion, they proceeded on a massive investigation of “Trump’s collusion with Russia”. They chose their investigator, and he chose his team of all Democratic lawyers loyal to Hillary. Yet, after two years and $40 million of taxpayer’s money spent, no collusion with Russia by Trump could be found. Infuriated, but undaunted, they sought other means to remove Trump, 63 million Americans, 30 states and the Constitution from consideration.

The House in their two Articles of Impeachment, have not charged this President with any crime. NONE. For example, Clinton was, and was on camera doing it. He committed provable Perjury (which is a crime) while under oath in a sworn deposition. Nixon did in fact have articles of Impeachment drawn up against him, including “Abuse of Power”, but then Nixon resigned. But Nixon’s abuse was obvious, it was blatant, in that Nixon, or Ehrlichman and Haldeman, had “weaponized” parts of the government against the Democrats and McGovern, then tried to cover it up. Sound familiar to Obama? But the media press loved Obama and hated Nixon. And they hate Trump as well. The Fourth Estate is coined such for a reason. But they now abdicate their charter in favor of their political bias and objectives.

Don’t believe Nancy’s trivial comments such as, “I have a spring in my step”. Its B.S. There is a reason she has not sent the Articles and their 634 bloviating, bombastic paged report to the Senate. There are no crimes, nor are they articulating actual crimes.

The Constitution clearly states: “President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States” shall be removed from office if convicted in an impeachment trial of “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  – In the history of the United States, only eight people have been removed from their office via the Impeachment process, and all were judges who committed crimes.

The House’s articles are two-fold: Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress.

Though neither of them is stipulated in the Constitution of being “crimes”. Moreover, the two charges levied by the House are as arbitrary and ambiguous as they come. There are no crimes underlying the two allegations, unlike with Nixon.

Let’s look at the “Obstruction” claim. How and when did the President obstruct Congress, and please, someone, tell me where you can find that defined in Constitutional Law?

The very day after Adam Schiff, after two years of the Mueller investigation coming up with nothing, said a “Whistle-Blower” had come forward to say that they had heard from another person who had heard from yet another, that the President had been improper on his call with the Ukrainian President and MAY have broken the law, was the Beria hunt on for another alleged crime to assign to their man. Really, which one? More on that in a minute. The very next day, Trump released the entire transcript of the call, unredacted to the public and Congress. How did he “obstruct” Congress? If you don’t know, how a transcript of calls comes up its that the President makes the call from the Oval office or the “working office” which is to the immediate left of the President when sitting at the Resolution Desk, behind another door. The call is transcribed by six different intelligence officers, from different parts of the Intelligence apparatus, listening to it and transcribing it in the SIT Room downstairs. The President has no control over the transcription process. He doesn’t even get a copy of it until it has been filed. So how has he obstructed Congress?

He has no obligation to cooperate with the Congress in their charade “investigation” any more than you do with the prosecutor and police. You can’t obstruct their investigation, but you don’t have to cooperate with it. Trump released the transcript of the call immediately and then let the House go on its “witch hunt”. They were just pissed that the President or “his people” would not come before the House. And the House only allowed their witnesses to testify anyway. But the President had no obligation, Constitutionally or otherwise to cooperate. But they wanted to shame him and felt they could by a Democratically controlled House. Refusing to play along with their charade, they didn’t help Congress with it, which IS NOT “Obstruction”.

When has Trump ever “Obstructed” the legislative process in three years? When has he ever obstructed the “Balance of Powers” Act? He hasn’t.

Then there is “Abuse of Power” which is the most arbitrary and ambiguous possible. Where is that listed as a crime ANYWHERE and defined? it isn’t. For the only “abuse” could be his violating the powers of his office as articulated in the Constitution. Which Nixon did, as did OBAMA, FACT! Where and when did Trump in Article I, II or III? He didn’t.

It is a charge levied by a very biased House, for the sole purpose of shaming and embarrassing the President. It can only be defined by those who levy it, which is the House Dems, for there is no law that defines it and calls it a crime. The crimes have to be underlying and named, and with a preponderance of evidence to support it.  But in the instant matter, it is an allegation that is ambiguous and arbitrary, and levied by a capricious and politically bigoted Democratic party.

Nancy wants to allegedly hold up turning over the articles to the Senate because she “wants to ensure there is a fair trial”. That’s not her job, nor in the powers of the House. The Senate rules, long established and Constitutionally defined, controls the trial process. Period!

This degrading and darkest moment in our Constitutional history is designed to shame Trump in the US annals of history and media, and to shame and impeach those 63 million Americans and thirty states of the Electoral College who CONSTITUTIONALLY chose their President.

But make no mistake. This is also a diversion. “Accuse others for crimes which you committed”, Sal Alinsky. It will consume Lame Stream Media for months. Jake Tapper, Rachel Maddow, and all their ilk will milk this until the Cow dries up and dies. For the true criminals are Obama and Hillary, and the Left and its media cannot have that. They are the ones that “weaponized” the government against a political opponent, just as Nixon had. And are seeking to cover it up, as Nixon did. They are the ones that colluded with foreign governments to thwart the election of Trump and then to undermine his Presidency. It is those two, along with the Democratic Party contingency as their political patsies, who are seeking to divert your attention from the real crimes and criminals, because Barr and Durham are getting too close.

Make no mistake, just like in all organized crime, it is never who fired the shot, it’s who gave the order. And that is Obama and Hillary. That is how much they despise you and the Constitution.

Clinton and Andrew Johnson were charged with defined crimes, though Johnson’s was far more politically motivated in the aftermath of the Civil War and reconstruction. But NEITHER faced votes along party lines. The very fact that this “Impeachment” is purely across party lines, except for the three Democrats that chose to not vote for Impeachment in the House, one choosing to leave the Democratic Party.

This is a farce. It is also extremely dangerous, because the Democrats are using impeachment as a political tool. They are establishing a highly dangerous precedent. They have no Republicans siding with them. This is what Madison and Hamilton feared the most, as did Jefferson. It is why it requires a two-thirds of the Senate to convict. Do you really think that 20 Republican Senators out of their 53 will vote with the 45 Democrats and two Independents who caucus with them, to remove Trump in trial?

This degrading and darkest moment in our Constitutional history is designed to shame Trump in the US annals of history and media, and to shame and impeach those 63 million Americans and thirty states of the Electoral College who CONSTITUTIONALLY chose their President.