This is no longer a political contest.


We’ve narrowly won this most recent battle in an epic struggle to defend the rule of law against the rule of the mob; to preserve the structures and processes by which our Constitutional Republic is sustained.

This is not a political struggle; a legitimate contest of Right vs Left political ideas.

In its overt embrace of lawlessness; cooked-up accusations, provocation of riots with lies, propaganda-driven hatreds and rivalries, tribal pandering and even foreign-funding of instigators, the DNC has come to resemble a criminal organization.

The United States of America is a nation founded on a central doctrine of Liberty as the natural, created state of each individual human being and liberty’s defense as the purpose of government.

The American commitment to defending each person in his Natural Liberty makes consenting interdependence possible – resulting in the highly specialized, inventive; innovative and prosperous society from which all benefit.

The Equal standing of each person’s Natural Liberty is the source of both freedom and prosperity. This doctrine is FUNDAMENTAL to the meaning of America.

A legitimate political contest would involve a competition of ideas between parties pursuing the national charter with different approaches. That’s not what we’re looking at anymore.

One side in this struggle has rejected the doctrine of Ordered Liberty at the heart of our nation’s charter. They are working – with the help and funding of America’s foreign enemies such as Sorros – toward the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of our nation; the subversion of America’s primary purpose.

The UNAmerican goals pursued by the now fully-corrupted DNC would:

  • Replace Equality under Law (which empowers the individual and contains the power of Government) – with a society in which membership in a favored class is the only route to empowerment or success. Like any caste system, this disempowers the individual and becomes a virtually unlimited grant of authority to government to engineer society.
  • Replace Economic Liberty which empowers the individual to rise on the merits of his own economic offering, with a virtually unlimited grant of authority to government to manage the economy according to the socialists’ obsession with equal misery.
  • Replace economic sectors with centrally-directed gov’t programs. An economic sector is comprised of free people and organizations competing and cooperating on the basis of mutual consent in the exchange of goods, services. It is a dynamic, naturally occurring human phenomenon that results in specialization, invention and innovation. To “work” it requires only that the natural property rights of each participant enjoy equal legal standing and protection against fraud, theft, coercion or force.
  • Replace our Constitutional Republic with a Socialist Democracy. The PURPOSE and MEASURE of JUSTICE in our Constitutional Republic is the Natural Rights of the individual. The purpose and measure of justice in a Socialist Democracy is to manifest the will of the majority. Given the Left’s present dominance of the tools for shaping public opinion; education and media, little wonder they’d prefer to jettison our definition of justice and the governmental model it underlies.

Having successfully infiltrated and now overtaken the Democrat Party, enemies of American Liberty have achieved their goals in part .

We’re looking at the results:

  • An accelerating proliferation of “identity groups” each competing for the courts’ favor by demonstrating aggrieved status.
  • Increasing Federal control of our personal, social, business, educational, medical and even religious lives.
  • A more “central-government-focused” society.

Leftism by now dominates public education, media including entertainment as well as news, and the elite class of the world’s largest corporations. Through these institutions Leftists now openly argue, from the classroom to the boardroom, to replace American bedrock values with theirs:

  1. 1. Feelings matter more than facts. Those who control “the narrative” can manipulate feelings. Facts make manipulation of public opinion more difficult.
  2. An accomplished person is not an example to emulate but a target for ridicule, slander and topple. We don’t like “tall poppies.” Everyone should be the same.
  3. An individual’s protection against persecution is the favor of the political class. Curry our favor and we will protect you. Incur our wrath and we will crush you.
    Yet in spite of the Leftists’ subversive influence in education, media and among the billionaire class, main-street America has not succumbed. Those still subscribed to America’s foundational doctrine of Liberty are pushing back.

Authentic American resolve organized the Tea Party during the last administration; succeeding in winning control of the House and the Senate. It produced the upset result in the 2016 election and is reflected in the enthusiastic surge of productive energy now benefiting every sector of the American economy.

And American resolve was also the author of victory in the DNC’s attack on the Senate confirmation process, the presumption of innocence and the character of a decent man.

With every defeat, the tactics of deception become more exposed, the corruption practiced by the enemies of American Liberty becomes more overt.

When Harry Reid expressed open pride in his successful smear of Mitt Romney in accusing Romney of not paying taxes, he made it clear that the leadership of the DNC had openly embraced slander as a political tactic. Against the backdrop of assured willingness to plant slanderous lies for political purposes, it’s amazing that a salacious, unsubstantiated and last-minute story (involving no date or place) was taken seriously at all. It’s a testament to the eternal goodwill of Liberty’s authentic subscribers that the accuser was afforded such comprehensive hearing and her accusation investigated.

Americans remain committed to the presumption of innocence; the protection that verifiable facts affords every individual in our society when accused of wrong-doing in any setting. This is among the FUNDAMENTALS we’re UNWILLING to transform.

We’re likewise unwilling to trade our equality under law for tribal pandering nor relinquish our commitment to the cause of human liberty; the cause that defines the greatest nation ever established.

By how much would American ideals prevail if Leftists’ subversive narratives were not permitted to dominate the airwaves and education?