The great Political Divide boils down to two essential questions…


Picture: An East German woman narrowly escapes past East German and Russia border guards while West German police with guns drawn, protect her from being snatched back to the communist workers paradise.

The great political divide here in the U.S. and in other Western countries essentially comes down to these questions:

1. Who owns your life? If your human consciousness manifests as both a natural right and an intrinsic capacity for self-determination, then you own your life.

2. Does government create society or does society create and institute government?

If we, the people, institute our government, must it not be the case that all of the authority delegated to government originates with the people?
Does it not follow, then, that powers NOT purposely delegated are retained by the people?

The political left has demonstrably rejected the cause on which America was founded; the example which has been emulated by other countries and which has advanced progress and prosperity for countless billions.

Leftists today are overtly determined to control your food, your work, your trade, your bodily care, your thoughts and your speech. And they are winning incremental force-of-law control over your life and our society with every passing year.

The division between the Political Left and Authentic America has been greatly clarified in recent years. It now consists of the fundamental definitions that comprise our different worldview; definitions of humanity, society and government.


Where Americans view humanity in ennobling terms; the Created vessel by which consciousness enters the world, Leftists consider human “masses” a scourge on the Earth which must be controlled by the Elite to prevent destruction of our planet.


Where Americans define Society as the interdependent association, cooperation and trade among people whose natural liberty (in particular, property rights) is defended equally, Leftists define society as the product and property of Almighty Government.


Where Americans delegate authority to government in order to secure and defend liberty, Leftists believe the government is the source of all authorization and the giver of individual “rights.”


Where Americans define our Natural Rights as the liberty to use our own faculties and property in pursuit of our own goals, leftists define ‘rights’ in terms of subsistence to which some may lay claim at others’ expense.


Where Americans recognize Equality of all individuals’ natural rights under law, Leftists prefer a government which dispenses “justice” by class, establishing an ever-growing list of “protected classes” until defense of individuals’ natural rights is no longer possible.

I’ve long held that the Leftists who so oppose America’s foundational principles do not have the majority their presence in the mainstream media portrays. I still believe that. But they obviously have sufficient political capital to do great harm to American liberty and prosperity. They are willing to use it.

Is our commitment to liberty equal to the determination of those resolved to take it?